Italy 24 Press News

Today in the center the march for the rights of Turin Pride 2024 – TorinoClick

Thousands of people have left from Corso Principe Eugenio and are marching through the streets of the centre, among floats and music, led by the banner “Of love and struggle”. It is the Torino Pride 2024 procession, which will end in Piazza Vittorio with speeches from the promoters, institutions and guests, including the singer Michele Bravi. For the City of Turin the Mayor and the Rights Councilor are present.

“A great celebration of rights – declared the Mayor Stefano Lo Russo at the start of the parade -. Turin is at the forefront on this issue and we need to continue to reaffirm the centrality of rights, which are not a privilege but a condition that characterizes being European citizens. In Italy, unfortunately, not all these rights are yet guaranteed and therefore we are in the streets today as a City to testify not only to our closeness but to the fact that, especially in a political moment like this, it is essential to continue to keep the point. I believe that what has arrived from the European elections is a very bad signal – continued the mayor -, a Europe that is turning very intensely to the right and which obliges all of us to be even more present and attentive to continue to reiterate that guaranteeing equal rights for all is a sign of civilization and progress.”

“The role of progressive cities like Turin – declared the councilor for rights Jacopo Rosatelli – is even more relevant at a time when the reactionary wind is rising in other areas of Italy and Europe. Turin demonstrates that it is possible to raise awareness of rights in all social groups, environments and sectors and that the fight against discrimination and the promotion of equal opportunities is a shared and qualifying point”.

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