Italy 24 Press News

The Ruggi of Salerno averts the hypothetical drug poisoning of a child


The news came a few hours ago that a child from Legnano had probably accidentally taken a tablet of an anti-neoplastic drug whose hypothetical risks are unknown, given the young age of the patient in question. In the Legnano hospital, where the child was admitted, they did not have the appropriate tools capable of identifying whether the drug and its metabolites were present in the child’s blood and urine. Consequently, the medical staff asked for help first from the Niguarda Hospital in Milan, also experiencing the same difficulties, and then from the Poison Control Center of the Mario Negri Institute, which indicated the AOU San Giovanni di Dio and Ruggi d’Aragona of Salerno, as the only hospital facility in Italy, to have the necessary requirements to process the drug probably ingested by the child. The traceability of Ruggi was easily verified since the latter’s Clinical Pharmacology Service and its Pharmacokinetics, Genetic Pharmacology and Toxicology Laboratories are included in the national Sibioc network, and it was so simple for the operators of the Mario Negri institute indicate the Salerno hospital as the only one capable of carrying out the required dosage. Once the sample arrived at the office, it was analyzed quickly with results that showed no trace of the alleged drug in the material provided. The uniqueness of Ruggi in this specific sector is characterized by two important factors, namely, by the presence of cutting-edge instrumentation, capable of recording even the minimum quantities of active ingredient present and by the high competence of the operators, all students of the Professor Amelia Filippelli, who carried out the required dosage with professionalism and timeliness.
The Ruggi Pharmacology Department is one of the few at a national level to guarantee every type of service relating to Clinical Pharmacology, that is, capable of providing adequate and specific care in cases of complex therapies in subjects with important pathologies. Numerous activities are carried out within it, such as pharmacogenetic and pharmacokinetic analyses, including the accurate measurement of immunosuppressive and neoplastic drugs. All this contributes to prescribing a personalized therapy for each patient. Another active service in the Ruggi Pharmacology Service, also extended to other companies such as ASL Salerno and ASL Napoli 3, is the specific analysis of the risks faced by operators exposed to environmental contamination, making the information available to those requires consultancy and collaboration to promote well-being and protection.

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