Italy 24 Press News

Ballot in Gela, the “Franzone case” breaks out: “We have not traded freedom for a department”


Attacks and poisons for alliances

“Yesterday, after the announcement of our support for the coalition led by Di Stefano, we were subjected to untruthful statements: “Franzone has lost his credibility”, “he has traded his freedom for a department” and so on. Well Franzone he has not lost anything, much less has he traded something, simply, he has been invited to dialogue by both mayoral candidates who will go to the ballot”. This is what Franzone states in a note sent to the press. “Both were exposed to the only three points that the Franzone group brought into the discussion, i.e. the main themes of the electoral campaign: Membership of the Metropolitan City of Catania, Healthcare-hospital Services, Water.
Neither of them were asked about the department, they both argued that to carry out our points, our presence within the council was needed. Our credibility is solid because we continue, consistently, to fight for issues that have characterized our battles for 20 years. We will do it again, possibly, even within the institutions. We have never had ambitions for political office, we could have obtained them before and we have always refused them. We have decided to dialogue with the two candidates in the ballot with the aim of giving representation to the 3000 voters who, through the vote on 8 and 9 June, have given confidence in our battles.
We chose Di Stefano because, unlike Cosentino, he presented greater guarantees regarding the possibility of giving substance to precisely those battles that the voters have forcefully asked us to carry forward. We would have lost freedom and credibility by going with Cosentino, in exchange for an institutional position, giving up one of our points: membership of the Metropolitan City of Catania. And perhaps that was precisely the goal, to incorporate our group and then cancel us out. Our credibility and our freedom are represented by the fiduciary pact that binds us to our voters and supporters. Perhaps credibility has been lost by those who in recent years have accepted assignments from everywhere, forgetting that relationship of trust with citizens which has always characterized our history.


Ballot in Gela, the “Franzone case” breaks out: “We have not traded freedom for a department”


“Yesterday, after the announcement of our support for the coalition led by Di Stefano, we were subjected to untrue statements: “Franzone has lost his credibility”, “he has traded his freedom for a department” and so on. Well Franzone he has not lost anything, much less has he traded something, simply, he has been invited to dialogue by both mayoral candidates who will go to the ballot”. This is what Franzone states in a note sent to the press. “Both were exposed to the only three points that the Franzone group brought into the discussion, i.e. the main themes of the electoral campaign: Membership of the Metropolitan City of Catania, Healthcare-hospital Services, Water.


Neither of them were asked about the department, they both argued that to carry out our points, our presence within the council was needed. Our credibility is solid because we continue, consistently, to fight for issues that have characterized our battles for 20 years. We will do it again, possibly, even within the institutions. We have never had ambitions for political office, we could have obtained them before and we have always refused them. We have decided to dialogue with the two candidates in the ballot with the aim of giving representation to the 3000 voters who, through the vote on 8 and 9 June, have given confidence in our battles.


We chose Di Stefano because, unlike Cosentino, he presented greater guarantees regarding the possibility of giving substance to precisely those battles that the voters have forcefully asked us to carry forward. We would have lost freedom and credibility by going with Cosentino, in exchange for an institutional position, giving up one of our points: membership of the Metropolitan City of Catania. And perhaps that was precisely the goal, to incorporate our group and then cancel us out. Our credibility and our freedom are represented by the fiduciary pact that binds us to our voters and supporters. Perhaps credibility has been lost by those who in recent years have accepted assignments from everywhere, forgetting that relationship of trust with citizens which has always characterized our history.

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