Italy 24 Press News

Not even the League will participate in the open City Council of Reggio Calabria

To the President of the City Council Dr. Enzo Marra

President, the League Council Group announces that it will not take part in the next City Council meeting on 06.14.2024.
Ours is an absence that takes on an eminently political meaning and we explain why: in fact, we intend to entrust our reflections to this note.
With reference to the recent judicial events involving the Mayor, we declare that we place full trust in the work of the judiciary and firmly believe in the principle of not guilty enshrined in the Constitution.
However, from a political point of view, we believe it is fundamental that the Mayor – before dealing with any other topic in the City Council – must first of all report to the City and the citizens – in a clear, exhaustive and public way – regarding the serious charges contested against him at this stage by the Prosecutor’s Office, in the capacity of first citizen. He must do it above all to protect Reggio and the dignity of the people of Reggio.
It is not possible – nor acceptable – to pretend nothing has happened. Furthermore, again in light of recent events, we ask ourselves whether the Mayor – to date – can still rely on the support of the majority council forces and the parties that compose it and we hope that there will be a serious awareness in this sense. In the absence of these essential and indefectible prerequisites of political and democratic viability, we believe that the slightest political and institutional conditions do not exist to discuss and discuss other topics within the highest city meeting, convened for today.
With reference to the issue of the Strait Bridge, as Councilors of the League, both individually and as a Group, we have repeatedly – publicly and in various circumstances – reiterated the absolute importance of creating what will be the most important infrastructure of our country, the Bridge over the Strait, which will place Reggio and the Mediterranean at the center of Europe. We strongly and fully support the iron will of Vice Premier Salvini and of the entire Government, who today – without any delay and with a view to the development and growth of our territories – are implementing with decisive steps what has been there for over 50 years seemed like a dream. A large infrastructure that represents a driving force for economic and social growth, which will give answers to our communities, to the thirst for work that grips the South, which will finally enhance our businesses and our entrepreneurs. The Strait Bridge will be a harbinger of economic advantages, advantages for logistics and mobility, for tourism (recently strengthened thanks to the presence of new air carriers such as Ryanair) and will bring important strategic benefits as it will represent a symbol of national unity, connecting Sicily with the rest of Italy, promoting territorial cohesion and economic and social integration between Calabria and Sicily. We believe it is not necessary for us to reiterate these observations in a City Council (first open and then… closed) convened to satisfy a city councilor who intends to carry out only mere electoral propaganda on the bridge.
We ask you, President, that this note which represents the political position of the League’s Council Group be given a public reading in the City Council.
The Municipal Councilors of the League Antonino Minicuci Giuseppe De Biasi Mario Cardia Antonino Caridi Armando Neri

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