Italy 24 Press News

Montesilvano, mother and daughter overwhelmed and killed by a train at the station: “They were hand in hand”


June 13, 2024


The horror in the late afternoon in the province of Pescara. Railway traffic was suspended between Montesilvano and Silvi, in the Teramo area, to proceed with the inspection of the police forces who intervened.

Tragedy in the late afternoon today, June 13, in Abruzzo. Two people were hit and killed by a train near the Montesilvano station, in the province of Pescara, on the Adriatic line: they were a mother and daughter. Voluntary action is not excluded at the moment.

According to initial information, the couple was seen entering the station hand in hand, a few minutes after the collision of a Frecciarossa headed for Milan: the bodies were torn apart by the convoy and are practically unrecognizable. “They were walking on the platform when suddenly we no longer saw them,” the witnesses said.

Rail traffic is suspended between Montesilvano and Silvi (Teramo). Investigations by the judicial authority are underway for the investigations required by current legislation.

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Several 118 ambulances arrived on site, even though the doctors could not help but certify the death of the two people. The railway police and the carabinieri also arrived for the investigation. The train driver was also heard.


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