Italy 24 Press News

Project with Sant’Anna of Pisa: the students of the Agrario of Sarzana map the agrobiodiversity of the La Spezia area

The students of class 5 G of the Parentucelli Arzelà Institute of Sarzana with an agricultural orientation have recently completed, before the end of the school year and in anticipation of their high school diploma, an interesting research on agrobiodiversity in the province of La Spezia.

This is a study, carried out under the patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty and the Liguria Region, which made it possible to collect precious data on local agricultural varieties, promoting the conservation and valorisation of native genetic resources.

The objective of the research, conducted with a focus on companies, compilation of questionnaires and university support, was to survey and map the agricultural diversity in the province of La Spezia, identifying the traditionally cultivated varieties and evaluating their state of conservation.

The project became the leitmotif of a meeting between students, teachers and experts held in the conference room of the institute in Piazza Ricchetti to which they gave their contribution as speakers, after the honors of the Generoso Cardinale director, Luca Sebastiani scientific manager at Sant’Anna in Pisa, Stefano Pini and Chiara Bassi of the Agricultural Business Services of the Liguria Region, Davide Giovanelli professor at the Agricultural Department of Sarzana. He was moderated by Professor Massimo Caleo.

The research revealed that the province of La Spezia has a rich variety of traditional crops, many of which risk disappearing due to the increasingly global market and the loss of traditional knowledge.

Among the most interesting native varieties identified in the research, there are different types of vines, olive groves, vegetables and fruits. Let’s take a look at the complete list. Grape varieties: Ciliegiolo, Ruzzese, Pollera Nera and Massaretta. Olives: Razzala, Lavagnina and Castelnovina. Vegetables: Alberello courgette from Sarzana, Potato and Onion from Pignone, Moretta lettuce, as well as three types of beans (Cenerino, Cannellino and Aquila from Pignone). Fruits: three types of apple tree (Rotella, Bianchetta and Limoncello), Durona cherry from Sarzana, Chestnut Brodasca, Lemon from Monterosso, three types of plum tree (Massina, Bolle d’Ase and San Giovanni) and Peach Birindella.

Moreover. From a focus on native zootechnics, the research studied and reported the names of the giant black rooster, the Massese sheep, the Pontremoli cow and the Spezia muscles. In the various phases of the project, the 5 G students had support from four partner agricultural companies: Casalin, il Germoglio, Terramore and Scuola Futura.

“It is the school’s intention – observed teacher Davide Giovanelli – to continue on the path of characterizing and conserving the native slang by setting up orchards and demonstration gardens in the areas of our agricultural institute”.

The teacher Riccardo Simonelli underlined the importance of these moments of in-depth study for the students of the agricultural course and for those of other courses interested in the faculty of agriculture. “Collaborating with Sant’Anna di Pisa – he added – was a source of pride for the institute and enhanced the educational company within the school, highlighting the daily commitment, even in the summer, of the students”.

University professor Luca Sebastiani of the Sant’Anna Institute of Plant Production explained that the collaboration with the students of the Sarzana Agriculture Department made it possible to develop the concept of safeguarding agricultural diversity. The students studied materials provided by the university and independently collected information from local companies, illustrating the agricultural diversity of the area in terms of fruit plants, vegetables and animal breeds for livestock farming.

Here are the students of the 5 G Agrario Parentucelli Arzelà: Fabio Ammirati, Samuele Battistini, Francesco Benassi, Alessandro Bernacca, Nicola Bertonati, Gaia Della Bona, Niccolò Della Bona, Emanuele Falanga, Jasmine Ganjto, Luca Giovannelli, Leonardo lupi, Alessio Matana, Niccolò Moggia , Ludovica Vannucchi, Giulio Zanantoni.

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