Italy 24 Press News

Cosenza, the “Il fiore di mandorlo” house for the “After us” will be inaugurated on June 13th

Thursday 13 June inauguration of the house “The almond blossom” for the “After Us”

Tomorrow, Thursday 13 Juneat 6.00 pm, will be inaugurated in Cosenza, in via Alberto Serra, 46, the house “Il fiore di mandorlo” through which the activities envisaged by the “After Us” fund will be carried out which the municipal administration of Cosenza, the lead city of Territorial and Social Area n.1, has released after the fund had merged, following of the declaration of bankruptcy, in the restricted municipal surplus.

Mayor Franz Caruso and Councilor Veronica Buffone

The inauguration of the structure will be attended by the Mayor Franz Caruso, the councilor for welfare Veronica Buffone, the president of the “Gli altri essere noi” Association, Adriana De Luca, who will manage “Il fiore di mandorlo” after having participated in the public notice banned by the Municipality. The structure in via Alberto Serra has the characteristics of a family environment, large, comfortable and bright, with 6 beds, for as many people with disabilities, distributed in four rooms, to give young people/adults the opportunity to experience gradual detachment from their family members and thus achieve their own independence, with the support of educational staff who will have the task of guiding them in developing skills for managing the home, using services and creating relationships in the neighbourhood. During the project, family members will be able to benefit from the support of a psychologist.

The project is financed partly with “After us” funds provided by the Municipality of Cosenza, partly by the University Parish of San Paolo Apostolo of Arcavacata (Rende) which purchased the furnishings, as well as by the Association “We are the others”with targeted fundraising and the use of volunteers’ energies. It is, the one that opens tomorrow, aexperience of great relevance for the city of Cosenza which has the aim of creating an “apartment group” sustainable over time and allowing other people with disabilities to experiment with independent living paths.

Dto keep in mind that the “After Di Noi” fund is also responsible for other activities of other third sector bodies: Arca di Noè Società Cooperativa Onlus, Cooperativa Sociale Crisalide, La Spiga Odv and Strade di Casa Società Cooperativa.

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