Italy 24 Press News

saved by firefighters

Tense and excited moments yesterday late morning in Aprilia. A three-year-old boy was left locked in the family car. He couldn’t get out anymore. It was inevitable for the mother who was begging for help to then ask for the intervention of the firefighters who arrived on site within a few minutes from the Viale Europa detachment.

It all happened around 12 in via Bellini, a road that leads from via La Malfa towards the center, emerging into via Monteverdi, in the quadrant between the Toscanini district and the Primo district. The little boy remained in the car, his mother got out. It has not yet been possible to understand how the dynamics unfolded. But the fact is that the car suddenly stopped opening. It was parked next to the sidewalk, near some houses. The woman began to ask for help when she noticed that none of the doors opened. The trunk wouldn’t even open.

The car – an old Daewoo Matiz – was also under the sun. It was therefore essential to act as soon as possible also to avoid upsetting the child. The rush hour, with the increasingly severe heat these days, has made everything more complex. The 118 health workers also intervened on site with an ambulance to help the child if necessary. The firefighters worked on site for some time, it was not easy to open the door without upsetting the little one while being careful not to hurt anyone.

4 of them took turns and fiddled with a bar for at least half an hour, while still trying to talk to the little one to calm him and reassure him. Then after a few maneuvers the front door gave way and the car finally opened. The child was then grabbed by a 118 operator who was able to confirm that he was in good condition and then handed back to his mother, who had already been in tears for some time. A story that fortunately ended with a happy ending.

The dynamics of what happened are not yet clear, the rather dated car may no longer have responded to commands and panic overwhelmed the child’s parents who no longer knew what to do. Many people were worried, many of them looking out from their balconies, while others were still in their cars waiting to find out how the fire brigade intervention would end. Luckily everything ended with a happy ending and the child suffered no consequences. However, the episode should give us food for thought, also because temperatures are destined to rise more and more in the coming days and there is a need for greater caution, especially for the little ones.


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