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Administrative elections, the votes of lists and individual candidates. The new city council • Front Page


The exploit of Salvatore Quinci reconfirmed as mayor of Mazara del Vallo with 12,451 votes is also highlighted by the good result of the lists connected to him which overall totaled 10,570 preferences, exceeding 40% and reaching 41.19%. In the winning mayor’s coalition, the list that received the most votes was precisely the one prepared by the mayor “Salvatore Quinci Sindaco” who totaled 2674 preferences (10.42%), followed by the list of Fratelli d’Italia with 2257 votes (8 .8%), Political Observatory 2,179 (8.49%), Political Participation 1941 (7.56%) and Freedom 1519 (5.92%); all five lists exceeded the 5% threshold, guaranteeing themselves representatives in the City Council.

The mayoral candidate Vita Ippolito %. it received 8,345 votes (31.28%) while its five connected lists totaled 9,644 (37.58%) preferences overall. In this coalition the strongest list, and also the strongest in general, was that of the Christian Democrats which totaled 2996 votes (11.67%), followed by Forza Italia with 2,484 votes (9.68%), MPA/La Forza dei Fatti with 2,180 votes (8.5%) and the list of the mayoral candidate “Più Vita” which received 1,298 votes (5.06%); The Nuova Energia Popolare/UDC list, however, did not pass the threshold and received only 686 votes (2.67%).

Nicola Cristaldi obtained 5,879 votes (22.04%) while his four lists received a total of 5,448 (21.23%). The strongest list of this coalition was “Cristaldi Sindaco” with 1640 votes (6.39%), followed by the Futurists lists with 1495 votes (5.83%) and Orgoglio e Futuro 1456 votes (5.67%); The Democratic Movement list, however, did not pass the threshold and received only 857 votes (3.34%). Blank ballots 192 (0.7%), null ballots 643 (2.33%), null votes 30 (0.11%), contested votes not assigned: 2 (0.01%), votes only for mayoral candidates 1013 (Quinci 494, Ippolito 273, Cristaldi 246 ).

As regards the preferences of the candidates for the City Council, the most voted overall was the former vice president of the City Council, as well as president of the “La Forza dei Fatti” movement, Francesco (Ciccio) Foggia, who totaled 939 votes ( 27.12%); in the last administrative elections, the most voted was Vito Gancitano (elected with almost 900 votes from the ranks of Osservatorio Politico) who later became (for the second time) president of the municipal council.

The definitive official data and that of the lists linked to the three candidates and the votes of the individual councilors determine the composition of the new maximum civic assembly of Mazara. According to the current electoral law, and pending ratification by the competent regional bodies, Salvatore Quinci would enjoy a majority made up of fifteen municipal councillors. The “Salvatore Quinci Mayor” list would have four councilors: Francesco Di Liberti (487 votes), Paola Caltagirone (288 votes), Valentina Grillo (261 votes) and Germana Abbagnato (231), the latter designated councilor could make way for Salvatore Gianquinto (205 votes).

Fratelli d’Italia would have three councilors: Dario Scaletta (397 votes), Francesco Giacalone (336 votes) and Giampaolo Caruso (306 votes). Osservatorio Politico would also have three councilors: Francesca Calcara (412 votes), Massimo Giardina (301 votes) and Bice Mineo (273 votes). Participation Politics would also have three representatives on the Council: Pietro Ferro (444 votes), Gianfranco Casale (331 votes) and Paola Galuffo (274 votes); also in this case the councilor position could be left by the designated councilor Casale in favor of the candidate Arianna D’Alfio (260 votes).

The Libertà list would have two city councilors: Giovanni Iacono (423 votes) and Eleonora Arena (348 votes). The opposition would instead be made up of nine councilors including the mayoral candidate who came second, i.e. Ippolito, who would thus sit on the Council. Mayoral candidate Vita Ippolito’s coalition would have five councillors. Two for the Christian Democrats: Aleandro Gilante (408 votes) and Toni Russo (360 votes). One for Forza Italia: Michele Reina (404 votes). One for MPA/La Forza dei Fatti, obviously Ciccio Foggia.

Finally, for the “Più Vita” list, Antonella Coronetta (263 votes) enters the benches of the Council Chamber “31 March 1946” (in the photo). Nicola Cristaldi’s coalition would have three city councilors. One for “Cristaldi Mayor”: Pietro Marino (536 votes). One for Futurists: Giuseppe Bonanno (293 votes). One for Pride and Future: Giorgio Randazzo (405 votes). According to this distribution, which is not yet officialised, several candidates already elected in 2019 (or even subsequently replaced) would be re-elected to the Council: Francesco Di Liberti, Paola Caltagirone, Valentina Grillo, Francesca Calcara, Massimo Giardina, Gianfranco Casale, Arianna D’Alfio, Giovanni Iacono, Michele Reina, Antonella Coronetta, Pietro Marino, Giuseppe Bonanno and Giorgio Randazzo.

There are several “new entries”. Attached are the preferences of the individual candidates for the City Council divided by list.

Francesco Mezzapelle

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