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Emilia-Romagna accelerates simplification: 500 rules eliminated

The Legislative Assembly of Emilia-Romagna accelerates the simplification of the rules by approving a law composed of 32 articles which eliminates or modifies laws and articles of law, regulations and regulatory provisions of the Emilia-Romagna Region which have become obsolete. Pd, ER Coraggiosa, Iv and Europa verde voted in favor of the law, while Lega, Fdi, Fi, Rete civica and M5s voted against it. The law eliminates or modifies – in the name of simplification and effectiveness of the rules – regional laws, or articles, in various sectors. The de-bureaucratization takes place through the European Session with the Refit, the periodic program for monitoring the adequacy and effectiveness of the Commission’s regulations, which aims to ensure that EU laws produce the objectives they set themselves at a minimum cost, at benefit citizens and businesses.

The rapporteur of the law Marco Fabbri (Pd) he recalled that the legislative revision work starts at European level and for 10 years has aimed at improving the quality of community rules, and therefore also regional ones, to achieve regulatory simplification. This year we focus on some laws between 2011 and 2020. Regulatory simplification, since 2013, has seen the repeal of 342 regional laws, 10 regional regulations, 148 regulatory provisions for a total of 500 regulations. Furthermore, Fabbri highlighted how, in relation to the flood that hit the region last May, the law extends the possibility of compensation to citizens who, in the emergency phase, installed mobile bulkheads to mitigate inconvenience and damage. And this is thanks to citizens’ donations and legislative intervention. Fabbri then spoke on the amendments, stating that, with respect to the support of those who suffered damage from the flood, the Region’s interventions were timely.

Regarding last year’s flood, the law also allocates 10 million of the 47 million from donations to citizens who have carried out protection works for their homes. The minority speaker, councilor of the League, Maura Catellani, is in favour, but asks where the funds come from: “I asked why there were residues from the donations, but I received no answer”. The budget councilor Paolo Calvano he replied that these are not residues. All 47 million from the donations were used, but “for the last 10 million a legislative change was needed, because they were not included in the law and no resources were provided to those who had built their own structures to protect themselves from any future emergencies. This emerged after a meeting with the citizens’ committees.” Finally, councilor Catellani criticized the choice to allocate funds for the recovery of men who have mistreated women but not for women affected by endometriosis. The budget councilor presented some amendments from the council starting from tax credits and blue crab: the opportunity for the Region’s subsidiaries to acquire bank credits and compensation to companies for the damage caused by the blue crab, for the collection and disposal by companies. Another amendment concerns fishing and the collection of sampling data (particularly eel). Finally, the protection of the territory: to combat hydrogeological instability, the Municipalities must have an updated perimeter of the urbanized territory.

Luca Sabattini (Democratic Party) judged the simplification of rules “examined in depth in the commissions” to be positive. Many decisions improve life in the territories. An amendment I presented concerns the adjustment of investments in secondary substations of the electricity system which counteracts the blockade of the modernization of the electricity grid”. Federico Amico (Emilia-Romagna Courageous) he focused on the positive aspects of the law, including the rules on the third sector. Another element concerns public residential construction, which opens up the conversion of public buildings to make them available for social residential construction intended for vulnerable people. The advisor Andrea Costa (Pd) he spoke about the Networks law (simplification for energy systems from renewable sources) illustrating the amendment which clarifies what can be authorized by the Municipalities. Also important, the councilor explained, is the work in favor of those leaving the 110% superbonus, i.e. those who, through no fault of their own, have seen their tax credits become uncollectible. “The intervention of the Region – underlined Costa – was limited, but it represented a dutiful signal of attention: part of the stranded loans can be absorbed by the system of the Region’s subsidiaries”.

Francesca Maletti (Pd) he underlined how all the laws of the Region have been made more efficient. A survey that the technical group for simplification has led since 2013 to nine simplification laws that have repealed regional laws and regulations. For Silvia Zamboni (Green Europe) it was important to address the issue of 110% superbonus redundancies. “These are citizens who followed the law and found themselves unable to continue the work, families in trouble and businesses at risk of bankruptcy” said the leader of the Greens. The intervention of the Region through its investee companies and the regional banking system is therefore positive. Finally, Silvia Zamboni criticized the 110% structure itself and the failure to take income into account in order to use it. (Gianfranco Salvatori)

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