Italy 24 Press News

Municipal elections in Cremona and its province, the results and the mayors elected

Cremona, 10 June 2024 – A Cremona and in 86 municipalities in the province is waiting for the counting of the administrative elections (as well as for the results of the European elections, after the citizens voted on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June. Cremona, among other things, is also the only local administration with more than 15 thousand inhabitants. This means that if one of the candidates does not have a majority, there will be a run-off on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd June.

In the province, at 11pm on Saturday 8th, the first data available, 19.52% of those entitled to vote had voted. At 12pm on Sunday, however, turnout was 35.21%. Given that at 7pm it rose to 52.43% and then closed, at 11pm, at 61.86%.

I am six candidates for the office of mayor of Cremona, supported by 14 lists in total: Maria Vittoria Ceraso, Angelo Frigoli, Ferruccio Giovetti, Alessandro Portesani, Paola Tacchini and Andrea Virgilio.

The former councilor and outgoing city councilor Maria Vittoria Ceraso runs for the centrist civic list Today for Tomorrow – Ceraso mayor.

The 54-year-old nurse is running for the Communist Alternative Party Angelo Frigoli, while the former Forza Italia councilor Ferruccio Giovetti has the support of the Security and Common Sense list for Cremona. Alessandro Portesani, The 41-year-old founder of the “Il Cerchio” cooperative, former president of the Santa Federici cooperative in Casalmaggiore and among the founders of the “Ventaglio Blu” cooperative, is the centre-right candidate, supported by five lists: Civic List Novità a Cremona, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Lega and Pensioners’ Party. Known in the city for her activism and environmental battles, Paola Tacchini runs with the support of the 5 Star Movement and the Cremona list changes its tune. Andrea Virgilio, current deputy mayor and councilor for Territory, Public Works and Housing, he is the face of the center-left with four lists in support: Cremona Sei Tu – Virgilio mayor, Ps, Sinistra per Cremona Energia Civile and Fare Nuova Cremona Attiva.

Acquanegra Cremonese; Agnadello; Annicco; Bagnolo Cremasco; Bonemerse; Bordolano; Calvatone; Camisano; Canton Chapel; Chapel of Picenard; Capralba; Casalbuttano and Uniti; Casale Cremasco-Vidolasco; Casaletto Ceredano; Casaletto di Sopra; Casaletto Vapri; Casalmaggiore; Casalmorano ; Castel Gabbiano; Casteldidone ; Castelleone, Castelverde, Castelvisconti, Cella Dati, Chieve, Cicognolo, Cingia de’ Botti, Corte de’ Cortesi with Cignone; Crotta d’Adda, Cumignano sul Naviglio; Derovere, Dovera; Fiesco; Formigara ; Gabbioneta; Binanuova ; Gadesco-Pieve Delmona; Genivolta, Gerre de’ Caprioli; Elbow ; Grontardo ; Grumello Cremonese and Uniti; Gussola, Isola Dovarese, Madignano; Malagnino, Martignana di Po, Monte Cremasco; Montodine ; Moscazzano ; Offanengo, Olmeneta, Ostiano; Paderno Ponchielli; Pandino; Pescarolo and Uniti; Pessina Cremonese; Piadena Drizzona; Pieranica ; Pieve d’Olmi; Quintanus ; I receive; Repalta Arpina; Ripalta Cremasca; Ripalta Guerina; Rivarolo del Re and Uniti; Romanengo ; Salvirola ; San Bassano; San Daniele Po; Scandolara Ravara ; Scandolara Ripa d’Oglio; Sergnano ; Solarolo Rainerio; Soresina ; Sigh; Spinadesco; Spineda; Lombard Pond; Torlino Vimercati ; Returned; Torre de’ Picenardi; Torricella del Pizzo; Trigolo ; Bishopric ; Volongo ; Voltid.

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