Italy 24 Press News

Ireneo Ferrari, farewell to the lord of ecology

Ireneo Ferrari, long-time professor of Ecology at the University of Parma, student and collaborator of Don Antonio Moroni, director of the Environmental Sciences department, and known as a national researcher also as president of the Italian Society, left us in recent days at the age of 84. of Ecology and vice-president of Conisma (National Consortium of Marine Sciences). A scientist loved and appreciated by many colleagues, but above all a modest, reserved, witty man, gifted with fine irony, mild but determined, attentive to the events of life as well as to the scientific research to which he dedicated himself for over half a century, he was one of those people with whom you happily spend a couple of hours conversing on the most disparate topics, from literature to politics.

Having graduated in Natural Sciences in Parma, Ferrari became a researcher at the Institute of Hydrobiology of Pallanza, then he was called first by the University of Ferrara as an associate professor, then by the University of Parma as full professor of Ecology, working in particular on the analysis of aquatic ecosystems, becoming director of the Department of Environmental Sciences. From 1995 to 1998 he was also president of the Italian Society of Ecology. After retirement he was appointed vice-president of the national inter-university consortium for marine sciences. «In work as in life – recalls his wife Miranda Gozzi, who lived next to him for 58 years – Ireneo was a wonderful person. I don’t want to be the one to say it, but the many messages that have reached me in recent hours from friends and workmates bear witness to this. In his free time he loved reading literature, history and non-fiction books. On his desk there was never a lack of newspapers and even today there is a book dedicated to Enrico Berlinguer, a point of reference for him who as a boy had been secretary of the Communist Youth Federation of Cadelbosco where he was born, and who has always remained faithful to his ideals. But he was not a person to erect barriers: he, an agnostic, had an ancient friendship with Don Luigi Valentini, and once even held an appreciated conference in the Baptistery of Parma.”

In many years of collaboration, Pierluigi Viaroli, now full professor of Ecology at the University of Parma, had the opportunity to know him well and appreciate him first as a teacher, then as a friend and colleague: «Ireneo – says Viaroli – was one of the first scientific ecologists , a researcher of the new generation, trained at the prestigious school of hydrobiology of Pallanza, where many still remember him for his rigorous integrity, which made him an example for young researchers, but also a point of cultural reference and civil passion” . Then there are the friends in life, those who accompanied him until the last few weeks in meetings for a chat at the bar: «Delicacy, rigor, generosity, kindness in manners, political passion understood in the noblest sense with its connection to the left – recalls Paolo Zappavigna – these are the distinctive traits of Ireneo. His political commitment had solid and ancient roots, as did the peasant traditions of his family.” «We met when I was collaborating as a volunteer with the University for the evaluation of the waters of Lago Santo – says Alfredo Ferrari – and a friendship that lasted 50 years was born. Ireneo never wanted to stand out: if he had done so, his career could have been even brighter.”

Ireneo Ferrari leaves behind his wife Miranda, his daughter Sara and his son-in-law Alessandro. Anyone who wants to say their final goodbyes can do so today from 1.45pm to 3.45pm in Ade’s farewell room in Viale Villetta.

Antonio Bertoncini

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