Italy 24 Press News

In Calabria eight mayors have already been elected with polls still open

CATANZARO In Calabria, eight mayors can already celebrate their election with the polls still open. These are the first citizens of those municipalities in which there was only one candidate for mayor. In this case it is sufficient to reach a quorum of 40% + 1 of voters to obtain the election. Another 14 candidates in the same conditions, however, will have to wait for the polls at 7pm or the closing time at 11pm to find out if they will be able to lead their respective municipalities. In the Cosentino area, with the turnout recorded at 12 noon, the candidates of Cervicati Gioberto Filice, head of the Cervicati vive list, where the turnout was 47.25%; Of Figline Vegliaturo Pasquale Filice at the head of the Progetto Figline list, where 44.03% of those entitled voted; to Mottafollone Romeo Basile, supported by the Per Mottafollone list, which recorded a turnout of 47.35%; Pedivigliano Giuseppe Perri with the Choose Pedivigliano list, where the voters were 47.51%; it’s at Saint George Albanese Gianni Gabriele with the Renew to grow list and a turnout of 65.09%. Also already de facto mayors Domenico Gallelli a Zagarise (Catanzaro), with the list Let’s continue to grow together, where a turnout of 42.96% was recorded; Francesco Angiletta a Mongiana (Vibo Valentia), with the changing Mongiana list, where 45.11% of those entitled voted; and Santo Monorchio a Bagaladiwith the Fare per Bagaladi list, where the turnout was 45.87%.
Also to Saint Hilary of the Ionian (RC) the quorum for the single list municipal elections has been exceeded: Pasquale Brizzi towards the election as mayor and the counting for confirmation is awaited. At 12.45, in Sant’Ilario dello Ionio, the 40% quorum required by law for the validity of municipal elections with only one list running was exceeded. Pasquale Brizzi, leading the “Forza Sant’Ilario” team, is therefore about to be elected mayor again. All the candidates on the list are also heading towards election to the city council. We are now awaiting tomorrow’s count to verify, as is likely, that 50% of valid votes have been exceeded to confirm the election. Mayor of Sant’Ilario from 2002 to 2019, for three consecutive terms, Brizzi was also provincial councilor in 2013, president of the Alto Jonio Reggio Consortium, president of Urbi-Anbi Calabria and member of Snebi, extraordinary commissioner of the Alto and Basso Consortia Ionian Reggio Calabria.

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