Italy 24 Press News

Avellino, 2024 Municipal Elections, Rino Genovese is the surprise of this electoral round

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Among the political surprises of this electoral campaign, the entry into the field of Rino Genovese. The known TgR journalistin fact, he is a candidate for mayor of “Civic Pact”, a large and varied group made up of five lists. Joining it, in addition to a large group of citizens unrelated to parties and associations, are the references of the regional councilor of the Moderates and ReformistsLivio Petitto, those of the mayor of Montefalcione, Angelo Antonio D’Agostino, the representatives of Forza Italia, League And Christian Democracy with Rotondi, the exponents of the association “Citizens on the Move” and those of the association “Spring Southern”.

Furthermore, to announce his support for the team Party of Pensioners and Workers and the Base Popolare association coordinated by former parliamentarian Giuseppe De Mita. The birth of Civic Project it is the fruit of a very long and animated political discussion which, started within the center-right, has taken on civic connotations over time.

This produced on the one hand the breakdown of the centre-right frontso much so that theCentral Union And Brothers of Italy they are in the field with their own mayoral candidate, but on the other hand it has allowed an expansion to those parts of society that cannot be recognized in any acronym. Genovese, however, carried out an electoral campaign in the name of renovationidentifying in the past management, but also in previous ones, the system to be abolished.


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