Italy 24 Press News

Movie chase on the A1, three experienced thieves caught

Friday 07 June 2024 – 12.30

Night of movie-like chase on the A1 motorway, complete with a Mercedes launched at full speed even in reverse, ramming of a police car, and patrols to create a funnel for the criminals who in the end tried to continue their escape on foot, in partly successful and partly not: yes because at the end of the operation the police arrested three registered thieves, perpetrators of numerous robberies carried out with their faces covered but with a recognizable car.

So, when that Mercedes was intercepted on the Arezzo section of the A1 on the night between 30 and 31 May, the police sprung the trap. Three citizens belonging to nomadic communities in Rome and Alghero ended up under arrest, under investigation in various capacities for receiving stolen goods, resisting a public official, aggravated injuries and possession of keys and tools suitable for burglary with which the car was loaded.

During the action, one of the policemen who intervened suffered injuries to the head and body with a 25-day prognosis.

The activity was born on the basis of investigative investigations carried out by personnel from the Montevarchi police station following numerous episodes of theft in shops in the area. Investigators managed to identify the car used by the criminals: a large-displacement Mercedes.[gallery(0)]

At that point the operators of the PolStrada of Arezzo and of the flying squad of both Arezzo and Siena came into play, given that some similar thefts had been perpetrated in those provinces. It emerged that the gang struck serially, entering the motorway in Lazio and exiting between the Valdichiana and Valdarno toll booths.

Other times chases had gone in vain: the Mercedes had escaped after the police cars had been hit by powder from fire extinguishers and thrown fire extinguishers. But not the other night: the patrols created a funnel in which the gang’s car found itself.

The driver attempted to reverse out of it, colliding with the Polstrada car. But then he was no longer able to continue, so everyone left on foot into the fields. Three disappeared, three others – aged 22, 29 and 45 – arrested. Further investigations led to the discovery that the car was traveling with a license plate cloned from a Mercedes of the same model and the subject of an armed robbery that had occurred a few months earlier, so the three were investigated for receiving stolen goods.

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