Italy 24 Press News

▼ Brescia, few students: the Don Vender school risks closing –

child at school – student – Photo by Lourdes ÑiqueGrentz from Pixabay

The Don Vender primary school, located in via delle Longure in the north-west of the city, could close. At the moment the news is not official, but the fears of many parents are already concrete, so much so that protests are expected starting in these last days of the school year.

An increasingly smaller number of students has decreed the possible closure of the institute, a problem that also concerns many other situations and which largely depends on the demographic decline. This translates into the elimination of entire classes and the choice to distribute students to other classes which thus become increasingly crowded with consequent greater management difficulties.

According to what the councilor for educational policies Anna Frattini, interviewed by the Giornale di Brescia, said, no decision in this regard has yet been taken and indeed a process of dialogue and meetings with all interested parties is planned.

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