Italy 24 Press News

Catania, aggravated theft and resistance to a public official: arrested

During the evening control services of the territory, the agents of the Flying Squad of the Catania Police Headquarters arrested two men for attempted aggravated theft in competition and resisting a Public Official. In particular, the police intervened following a report of theft from the buildings of the former Vittorio Emanuele hospital, a place which has recently been often targeted by thieves.

The police, having arrived on site, surrounded the area and entered inside without making any noise, so as to surprise the thieves while they were still in action. The two men, both criminals, were found in possession of a backpack containing various tools suitable for unhinging aluminum doors and windows and a bag containing copper electrical cables. During the check, one of the two ran away, hiding among the abandoned buildings.

One of the policemen, who had not lost sight of him, reached him shortly afterwards and blocked him, but the man in response still attempted to escape by pulling and pushing the officers.

The two men, aged 40 and 57, originally from Messina but residing in Catania without a fixed abode, were arrested and during validation the GIP applied to them the measure of the obligation to report daily to the judicial police.

Following specific activities conducted by the Anti-Crime Division, the Police Commissioner of Catania issued against them the “personal prevention measure” of expulsion from the Etna municipality with a ban on return for three years.

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