Italy 24 Press News

Turin – “Digital and ecological transition still distant for 85% of Piedmontese SMEs”: the study – Turin News 24

“Distant digital and ecological transition for 85% of Piedmontese SMEs”
This was announced by a study by the Economic Observatory of the Federation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.
“Distant ecological and digital transition for Piedmontese SMEs”. A study by Luca Pantanella, president of the Economic Observatory of the Federation of Medium and Small Businesses, reveals that Piedmont has over 500 companies out of a total of 6,000 in Italy.
“ The objectives of the 2030 agenda in terms of process automation and eco-sustainability they are still impracticable for 85% of small entrepreneurs in the region. The liquidity crisis following a phase of post-pandemic market stagnation leads companies to redefine priorities and urgencies in the daily management of the business, including the renegotiation of agreements between banks and suppliers for greater balance in the operational life of the company”.
But there’s more. “The post-Covid changes in ratings and creditworthiness parameters – comments Pantanella – have made it more difficult to resort to public tenders for subsidized finance for this purpose, which provide for stringent conditions of solidity and stability of the company which are much more suitable for large producers who to small businesses with a maximum of 15 employees each, for obvious reasons of volumes and resources structured in a simpler way and unable to have a specifically profiled management. It’s a bit like offering a high chair to someone with dwarfism”, comments Pantanella.

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