Italy 24 Press News

Ravenna, the streets of Rome and Sant’Alberto are asphalted. Traffic changes from Monday

Resurfacing works for large stretches of via Di Roma and via Sant’Alberto and consequent changes in traffic in that part of the city, from next Monday to Friday.

In particular, in via Sant’Alberto, in the stretch between the San Gaetanino ring road and via Di Roma, and in via Di Roma, in the stretch between via Sant’Alberto and Venezia, a permanent parking ban will be established with a removal zone on both the sides for all vehicles, the narrowing of the road and the maximum speed limit of 30 kilometers per hour.

In via Di Roma, in the stretch between via Venezia and viale Farini, there is a ban on transit and permanent parking with a removal area on both sides for all vehicles; alternatively, vehicles coming from the San Gaetanino ring road heading towards viale Farini will be able to follow the route of via Sant’Alberto, in the section and in the direction from the San Gaetanino ring road to via Di Roma, via Di Roma, in the section and in the direction from via Sant’ Alberto in via Venezia, via Venezia, via Falier and via Rava.

In via Di Roma, in the stretch between viale Farini and via Carducci – including the latter intersection, a permanent transit and parking ban will be established with a removal area on both sides for all vehicles; alternatively, vehicles headed towards Via Mariani and Negri and to Garage Mariani can follow the route of Via Alberoni, Via Di Roma (in the stretch and direction from Via Alberoni to Via Negri), Via Negri and Vicolo Corradini.

In Via Di Roma, in the stretch between Via Carducci and Via Alberoni, one-way alternating traffic will be established, a permanent parking ban with a towing area on both sides for all vehicles, a narrowing of the roadway and a maximum speed limit. of 30 kilometers per hour while in the stretch between via Alberoni and Cerchio, a permanent parking ban will be adopted with a towing area on both sides for all vehicles, a narrowing of the roadway and a maximum speed limit of 30 kilometers per hour.

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