Italy 24 Press News

Sassari, special recognition from the Book Fair for a class from the Azuni high school

The students of the 3rd B of the Azuni High School of Sassari they documented their experience of reading and analyzing the work “Wuthering Heights” Of Emily Bronte in a Instagram page which then inspired the development of various interdisciplinary themes. The work was then shared in a blog of Turin Book Fair which brought together all the schools involved in the reading project “One book, many schools”.

Augusta Giovannoliresponsible of bookblog and of all the digital projects dedicated by the Turin salon to schools, he wrote to the head teacher of Azuni, Antonio Deroma, to compliment him on what the students did, specifying that 3^B stood out for the work done on the book and the production of original and extremely interesting materials. Based on the content of the novel, and with the tools of artificial intelligence, the students created images of the main characters, analyzed the structure of the story, developed some graphic representations of the various narrative sequences and conveyed the meaning of the biblical quotations inserted in the text .

They also produced original graphic works such as drawings, paintings and image collages that reflect the atmospheres and themes of the novel, after in-depth research into the era in which it was set, thus exploring the historical, social and cultural context of England in Nineteenth century.

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