Italy 24 Press News

Successful women entrepreneurs, discussion evening at Forte Charme in Nago – La Busa

“Togheter we’re stronger” is the title of the all-female evening, organized on Thursday 6 June from 6pm onwards at Forte Charme in Nago by Catia Balduzzi, chartered accountant and statutory auditor, and Michela Tonini, financial consultant, in collaboration with “ConfArtigianato women businesses in Trentino”. “It will be a moment of discussion and personal growth, through motivational stories to share, to find ideas and create a network towards a convinced economic and financial independence – say the two organizers of the evening – The idea of ​​creating the evening was born after reading the book “It can be done” which talked about the stories of successful artisans and entrepreneurs. We looked at ourselves a bit and said: “Why not do it too? Why not compare ourselves with other women who could find the strength to overcome difficulties and find new stimuli to move forward?”. And here is the idea of ​​the evening at Forte Charme and the invitation to the entrepreneurs Sonia Beltrami, Patrizia Bertoldi, Franca Borzaga, Nadia Delugan and Giada Mancabelli, who will talk about the genesis of their success, both in life and in doing business.
“The word that struck me most in the book was determination and positivity, to achieve not just success but something concrete – says Catia Balduzzi -, as a woman, you have to be very determined to achieve your goals and your success personal, especially as an entrepreneur”.
“For men it is easier to build a network, for a thousand reasons, while for us women it is all more complicated – Balduzzi and Tonini say again – but when we women manage to get together and create a network we are capable of creating important projects. In many professions, women have much more passion and care more about relationships with customers.” There is a subtle thread that unites women entrepreneurs: “Determination and positivity. Many times opportunities arise from difficulties, this evening we do not want to underline the gap between the female and male world, which undoubtedly exists, but instead we intend to enhance the strengths we have. We just have to learn to look at things with a different eye. By analyzing the statistics you realize that there are more women employees than entrepreneurs, it’s a fact – conclude Balduzzi and Tonini – If you face problems with a smile and seize the opportunity that problem gives you, you come out of it improved as a person” .
About forty people have already signed up for the evening, but anyone wishing to participate at the last moment must notify the organizers first.

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