Italy 24 Press News

The dioceses of Assisi and Foligno together in the diocesan assembly

Single diocesan assembly for the two sister dioceses of Assisi – Nocera Umbra – Gualdo Tadino and Foligno in the sign of the union in person of the bishop Monsignor Domenico Sorrentino. “Whatever he tells you, do it” – “Communion, participation and mission for a ‘Happy Home’. Methods of co-responsibility in the Church”.

This is the theme on which the two-day programmatic Assembly will focus, which will be held on Friday 7 and Saturday 8 June in the hall of the Church of San Paolo Apostolo in Foligno in via del Roccolo n. 30 in Foligno, in which communities are invited to participate.

As scheduled, on Friday 7 June at 3 pm there will be a welcome and prayer presided over by Don Marco Armillei, episcopal vicar for the Pastoral Care of the diocese of Assisi – Nocera Umbra – Gualdo Tadino. At 3.30 pm “Introduction to the Biblical icon: the House of Cana” with Don Giovanni Zampa, episcopal vicar for the Pastoral Care of the diocese of Foligno. This will be followed at 3.45pm by the introduction to the theme and the proceedings: Modalities of co-responsibility in the Church. How to participate in the evangelical promotion of a “Happy Home”. Speaker Don Paolo Asolan, president of the Pontifical Pastoral Institute Redemptor Hominis of the Pontifical Lateran University and professor of fundamental pastoral theology. At 4.30 pm dialogue with the speaker. After a short break, group work will follow on the proposal developed by the diocesan pastoral councils (group registration and coordination of facilitators). At 6.30 pm final prayer in individual groups.

Saturday 8 June at 9 am welcome and prayer; this will be followed by a wise introduction to group work (by the Synodal Commissions); at 9.45 more group work for the wisdom assessment of the pastoral year 2023-2024. After the break at 11 am, a summary presentation of the two group works will follow. Finally at 11.30 communications and conclusions from the bishop.

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