Italy 24 Press News

Sustainability for young people in Veneto – SNPA – National environmental protection system

They told in their own way the small daily actions to save energy, the daily behaviors that are good for the environment, recycling and reuse as a new lifestyle.

Arpa Veneto dedicated two days, 21 and 30 May, to reward the best works of the competitions in Padua Which idea! Quiz for primary and lower secondary schools e #harpVideo for secondary schools. The two environmental education projects were carried out in collaboration with the Veneto Region and the Veneto Regional School Office.

Which idea! Quiz

80 classes from the Veneto participated, for a total of 2000 students. The aim was to raise awareness among girls and boys of the importance of adopting concrete actions to protect the environment using tools such as quiz games, group work, graphic works and in-depth work coordinated by teachers. The classes that scored the best score in the quiz, added to that achieved with the creation of the logbook, won.

The prizes are financial contributions for an educational trip to a park or protected natural area in the Veneto, as well as notebooks, bookmarks, pens made with sustainable material and an aluminum water bottle.

Primary schools

1st place at the 5th A Gozzi School of Venice – GIORNALINO RIICLINO, 2nd place at the 4th B Grimani School of Marghera Venice – COMPARE_ CHOOSE_CHANGE, 3rd place at the 3rd A Chiereghin School of Chioggia (VE) – FIGHT AGAINST CHANGE CLIMATIC, special mention at the 5th C Scuola Cesarotti Arria of Padua – KEEP OR LET GO

Lower secondary schools

1st place at the 2nd place at the San Zenone degli Ezzelini School (TV) – GIOCOKYOTO ON CLIMATE CHANGE, 2nd place at the 2nd place at the Ricci School of Belluno – SIMPLE ACTIONS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE, 3rd place at the 2nd place at the Lorenzi School of Fumane (VR) – TREE BOOK, special mention to the 1st C Scuola IC Marano Vicentino (VI) – BOOK OF SUSTAINABILITY

Video of the awards ceremony


It involved 1000 students with 38 videos created by schools across the region. Many topics addressed by the videos: circular economy, climate change, energy saving, constructed wetlands, waste, sustainable mobility. The videos were evaluated by the competition jury, composed of Anna Toro, director of the Legal and Organizational Area of ​​Arpav, Jacopo Chessa, director of the Veneto Film Commission, Carolina Carbone, contact person for the Veneto Regional School Office.

The prizes are a contribution for an educational trip to a park or protected natural area in the Veneto, as well as notebooks, bookmarks and pens made with sustainable material, aluminum water bottles, given to girls and boys.

1st place in Trashclub to the rescue of the 4th D audiovisual-multimedia, Liceo Artistico “Bruno Munari” of Vittorio Veneto (TV)

2nd place in Sustainability. Protection and enhancement of the socio-environmental system of the 3rd AR Liceo Statale Guarino Veronese – Roveggio di Cologna Veneta (VR)

3rd place in Anno 2054. Earth generation of the 2nd ITT San Marco Institute of Venice Mestre

ARPAV special award to Have you ever heard of the circular economy? of the 1st IIS Leonardo Da Vinci Hypermedia of Belluno

Jury Prize a The phytopurification of the 3rd and 4th ITTMM Don Bosco Institute of Mogliano Veneto (TV)

Video of the awards ceremony

To know more

Climate changes seen by the little ones: the QualeIdea!Quiz awards ceremony

What do students think about sustainability? The winners of #arpaVideo 2024

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