Italy 24 Press News

VICENZA – Controversy over the Nuova Bertoliana and the possibility of building it at the former Giuriolo Schools

Double intervention this morning on the hypothesis of creating the New Bertoliana Library

The first comes from the Cultural Association “Impegno per Vicenza”.

“The Cultural Association “Impegno per Vicenza” – they write – expresses its strong opposition to the recent hypothesis put forward by the Municipal Administration to transfer the new Bertoliana Library to the building of the former Giuriolo school.

“These choices seem to be driven by political-ideological opportunism that go against the good of the city,” declared Elena Vencato, President of Impegno per Vicenza. “Our city deserves solutions that fully enhance its cultural and historical heritage and that contribute to its urban regeneration, in technical and above all human terms, she concluded.

This choice, which seems to resume an old plan without valid reasons, represents a missed opportunity for urban regeneration for our city. Right from the start, the Association highlighted the critical issues linked to this hypothesis, bringing to light the structural, functional and usability problems of the area of ​​the former Giuriolo school.

In response to citizens’ concerns, the Cultural Association “Impegno per Vicenza” organized a conference which saw a large participation of young people and members of the citizenry. During this event, the reasons why the new Bertoliana Library should be located in the former court of Vicenza were explained in detail. This area, unlike the former Giuriolo school, has more suitable characteristics to accommodate a cultural structure of such great importance.

The public debate has clearly shown the strong interest and commitment of the community towards a solution that truly aims for the good of the city and its future university and is not driven by political agreements or secondary interests. It is essential that decisions relating to such significant projects for the future of Vicenza are made in a transparent and shared manner, listening to the needs and opinions of citizens.

The Cultural Association “Impegno per Vicenza” will continue to monitor and oppose this solution and for this reason will promote initiatives that truly reflect the best for our city and for future generations.

Second communication from Idea Vicenza signed by Per Idea Vicenza Stefano Notarangelo, Michele Dalla Negra and Leonardo di Marzo. “The hypothesis of transferring the new Bertoliana Library to the former Giuriolo schools has raised concerns and confirmed the suspicions already expressed at the beginning of the current administration’s installation. The decision is perceived as a renunciation of a significant opportunity for urban regeneration, based on easily refuted justifications, to resume an original plan without valid reasons, if not an evident political agreement.
From the beginning, Idea Vicenza, free of political or ideological conditioning, highlighted the critical issues of this choice, warning the City well in advance of what is now confirmed by press reports: a project that neglects the critical area of the former court, perhaps to promote ulterior motives, in favor of another area which would deserve different uses due to its nature and conformation.
The structural, functional and usability deficiencies of the former Giuriolo school area are evident. The inspections of the Territory and Economic Development Commission and the public conferences, such as the one organized by the cultural association “Impegno per Vicenza”, were not enough to demonstrate this clearly. During this last conference, the councilor directly concerned avoided participating, demonstrating a lack of direct interest in the topic. Choices such as those hypothesized for the location of the new Bertoliana demonstrate a lack of interest in the future of the library, but rather are driven by political-ideological opportunism, dictated by a will contrary to the good of the City.

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