Italy 24 Press News

Lamezia, Uil Fpl expresses solidarity with the union leader convicted of defamation

Lamezia Terme – “In reference to the controversy that concerned the UIL FPL Territorial Coordinator of Catanzaro, Bruno Ruberto, UIL FPL Calabria deems it unbearable that a union leader in the exercise of his functions should have his right of expression limited, through recourse to a action for defamation and believes it is our duty to express full solidarity with the UIL FPL Territorial Coordinator of Catanzaro, Bruno Ruberto” is what we read in a note from UIL FPL Calabria.

“We are concerned – they let it be known – about a widespread tendency towards the limitation of trade union freedoms to protect workers. UIL FPL is of the opinion that the action undertaken by Bruno Ruberto in the territory – they specify – should be placed in the exercise of trade union rights, with the sole objective of protecting workers, carried out with self-sacrifice and sacrifice. This commitment towards workers has made the actions of UIL FPL appreciated by all over the years, leading the company to be the first trade union in terms of representativeness in the municipal administration of Lamezia Terme”.

“A trade union leader – they add – must have the freedom to express himself and to be able to contest what happens in an organisation, otherwise we are heading towards a system permeated with actions of censorship of trade union freedom. Our trade union organization – they further add – fights every day for the promotion and defense of these rights and of the dignity of workers. The intervention of the union leader is placed precisely in this context of protection and representation”. “The UIL FPL – they conclude – will continue to support the trade union leader Bruno Ruberto, reiterating its commitment in the fight for social justice and the protection of trade union rights. We trust that the truth of the facts, in the continuation of the judicial action, can be overturned and that the right value is recognized for Ruberto’s commitment in favor of workers”.


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