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Ri.Nova. The budget has been approved and the positions of the Board of Directors have been renewed / Cesena / Home

The cooperative Re. Nova, dedicated to innovation in agriculture, approved the budget on Wednesday 29 May positive of 2023.

In fact, the research body closes with a useful of exercise equal to 64,488 euros. This result brought the net assets to overcome the 2.7 million euroswhile the value of production it was a total of 4,567,842 eurosthat is to say 1 and a half million more than 2022.

In addition to the approval of the budget, on Friday 31 May there were renewed the charges of Advise Of administration that he saw Stefano Lazzarini reconfirmed as president, while the new director was appointed vice president Ilenio Bastoni, of the Terremerse board. They also come in as advisors Riccardo Rocchi, Guido Cavina, Marco Borgatti. They were reconfirmed also: Luigi Bianchi, Claudio Biondi, Giovanni Campagna, Fabio Deidda, Giuliano Donati, Francesco Gambi, Alberto Grassi, Massimiliano Laghi, Realdo Mastini and Davide Vernocchi.

President Stefano Lazzarini declared, as soon as he was reconfirmed in his position: “The good performance of 2023 and the favorable prospects expected for 2024 and 2025 were contributed to by the strengthening of a planning capacity, which also through public financing lines and tenders is always closer with the needs of the production system, which finds itself having to face enormous problems, caught between climate change, the spread and resurgence of new and old adversities, with fewer and fewer agrochemicals available. Consequence of very restrictive community directives, to comply with which, research has not yet managed to develop valid alternative strategies”.

At the same time, 2023 was a particularly challenging year for Ri. Nova. L’flood in May which hit the Emilia-Romagna area and caused extensive damage to crops and land. From the reconnaissance of the region regarding the damage caused by the flood events, the involvement of 21 thousand agricultural companiesThe 49% of the entire region, mainly affecting vines, peaches and nectarines, apricots, kiwis and pears.

The research body’s experts therefore took action to deal with the emergency. The working group was formedFlooded land emergency” formed by farmers and technicians from the social base of Ri.Nova. Expert researchers on agronomic, physiological and soil topics, who during the summer of 2023 carried out inspections and technical meetings in the field in the areas affected by the flood. The working group thus made it possible to encourage collegial discussion regarding the current state of the soil and plants, as well as the interventions necessary to restore and regenerate the flooded soils within the various affected production sectors: fruit, wine, horticulture and Great Crops”.

They are in total 89 the projects managed by the institution during 2023. Divided into 4 supply chains and 3 areas of interventionthere has been a greater concentration in numerical terms in the field fruit (39) and production integrated And biological (19). Of note is the increase in active projects on the topic of precision agriculture (12).

In this regard he noted Alvaro Crociani, director of Ri. Nova: “To meet new needs it is necessary to implement system actions capable of orienting the market and intervention policies towards actions aimed at valorising the efforts made by agricultural companies, communicating value towards the consumer, including environmental, of sustainable agricultural production. On the other hand, to reduce impacts, targeted research and transfer actions towards agricultural businesses are needed on the following topics: Tea, precision agriculture, carbon farming, refinement of techniques for reducing inputs and prevention of climate emergencies”.

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