Italy 24 Press News

Civil service begins for four girls at the Acli of Arezzo

The civil service experience for four girls with the Acli of Arezzo begins. The association welcomed the new civil lawyers who, for twelve months, will be engaged in various operational areas to experience a first approach to the world of work through the acquisition of human and professional skills. The experience will be opened by a training period managed by the provincial secretary Riccardo Sestini together with Martina Ferrini where they will learn about the services, activities, organization and purposes of the Acli, with an introductory phase necessary to acquire awareness and skills to become promoters active in initiatives oriented towards social issues, the protection of rights and assistance to people with fragility.
Flavia Bertoldi and Marisol Campanai are the two civil lawyers who have been selected for the “Family Care” project which will require a commitment to improve and strengthen measures to support families in economic, material and social difficulty. The two girls will be protagonists in planning activities aimed at supporting inclusion in the social and educational field, optimizing inter-family relationships and improving conditions of economic vulnerability, also through mutual help activities aimed at creating social networks and stimulating inclusion . “Generative Communities” is the name of the project which will be conducted by Benedetta Laurenzi and Gaia Marcantoni with the aim of stimulating the protagonism of citizens and the activation of community networks capable of responding in an integrated manner to the needs of the territory through implementation of forms of participation from below, the valorisation of solidarity networks and the facilitation of access to initiatives and services. The aim will be to make cities and human settlements more inclusive and sustainable, involving activities such as the mapping and cataloging of services, the identification of needs and critical issues on which to act and the experimentation of participatory welfare tools. “The Acli of Arezzo have a strong responsibility – explains the secretary Riccardo Sestini – because the civil service represents entry into the world of work and, consequently, a commitment from our entire associative system is necessary to allow these girls to live a truly educational, stimulating and enriching experience in view of their future. We are happy to have welcomed the new four civil lawyers who have undertaken this important experience and who will be involved in projects of real service to the territory and the community”.

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