Italy 24 Press News

The Calabrian Internal Medicine Days reach the finish line of the 21st edition

CATANZARO The Calabrian Internal Medicine Days reach the finish line of the 21st edition. An important opportunity for discussion which will put chronic-degenerative diseases at the center of attention and the state of the art to increase and improve public healthcare. The scientific event, chaired by Dr. Gerardo Mancuso, director of the SOC of Internal Medicine Hospital of Lamezia Terme and national vice president of SIMI, Italian Society of Internal Medicine, will be held on Friday 7 and Saturday 8 June in the conference room of the T-Hotel in Feroleto Antico. “Cardiovascular diseases are responsible for 40% of deaths in the population of industrialized countries. In Calabria, over the last three decades, there has been a significant increase in diseases that increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, such as diabetes, obesity and arterial hypertension. These conditions are particularly widespread in Calabria compared to other Italian regions and are more represented in females. In the 1950s, women were more protected from these diseases, but lifestyle changes and emancipation increased female cardiovascular risk,” explains Dr. Mancuso. “Increased body weight, a sedentary lifestyle and habits such as cigarette smoking have contributed to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease among women. This year’s congress, which for the first time also involves neighboring regions such as Sicily and Basilicata, will feature international speakers who will discuss the peculiar aspects of these pathologies. Furthermore, all the internal medicine divisions of the Calabrian hospitals will discuss therapeutic innovations and new treatment protocols”, underlines the president of the congress. “The signal we want to give with this congress is not only to discuss internal diseases and delve into the themes of therapies and diagnostics, but also to promote scientific initiatives with national findings and studies that can extend from this land where the medical science”. According to Dr. Mancuso: “The Calabrian internal medicine network, according to data from the Ministry of Health, represents the best performing hospital care network in the country, thanks to the high level of care provided and its diffusion throughout the Calabrian territory” . “However – concludes the national vice president of SIMI – there remains a shortage of staff, especially doctors, aggravated by the lack of specialists in internal medicine who, due to the partial blocking of competitions, have accepted job offers in Northern Italy”. Appointment, therefore, on Friday 7 and Saturday 8 June in the conference room of the T-Hotel in Feroleto Antico. The organizational secretariat of the event is the Present&Future agency.

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