The race of remembrance presented in Aversa: here are all the details

The race of remembrance presented in Aversa: here are all the details
The race of remembrance presented in Aversa: here are all the details


The Campania stage of the Corsa del Ricordo was presented this morning in the council chamber of the Municipality of Aversa – a running event organized in memory of the exiles Giuliani, Fiumani and Dalmati – which will be held in the Norman town on Sunday 7 July starting at 8:30 in via Roma near the Salvino Pozzi park, where the refugee camp was set up that welcomed, in the post-war period, more than five thousand Italians coming not only from the eastern border but from all the lands overseas.

The Aversa edition

With a length of 10km, the Corsa del Ricordo in Aversa winds through the city centre, completing two laps of a circuit that, starting from Parco Pozzi, will touch the areas in its immediate vicinity and will cross part of the Costantinopoli district after passing through Porta Napoli and along almost the entire length of Via Roma.

The race, present in the Fidal regional circuit, was organized by the Asi regional committee of Campania and the Asd Asi Polisportiva Bellona with the patronage of the City of Aversa, the Province of Caserta and the Campania Region.

“Organized for the first time in the Giuliano-Dalmata neighborhood of Rome, the Corsa del Ricordo becomes, every year, an increasingly larger circuit – explained Sandro Giorgi, Asi national manager of the athletics sector – which aims to touch all the Italian cities where a Julian refugee camp was located. This year, Campania is also added to the national stages, significantly with the city of Aversa which hosted one of the largest camps in Southern Italy”.

“Aversa is only the first stage of the Corsa del Ricordo in Campania – explained Nicola Scaringi, regional president of Asi Campania – and it is significant for us to host it right here where the exiles were welcomed by a population that was not at all hostile and, indeed, attentive to the needs of many. Many still carry Aversa in their hearts, just as the people of Aversa cherish a loving memory of those who passed through here or chose to put down roots here”.

The presentation

The presentation event enjoyed the presence of an exceptional witness, Arsenio Milotti, an exile from Fiume who lived in the Aversa refugee camp from 1946 to 1958. “I have an extraordinary memory of Aversa and the people of Aversa – he recalled – as well as of the refugee camp that, despite the great difficulties, was full of greenery and guaranteed us various services. After fleeing from Fiume, Aversa welcomed me and my family, allowed me to receive an education, to entertain myself by chasing a ball together with many young enthusiasts from Aversa and to cultivate many friendships that have endured to this day. I am tied to this territory, which also saw the birth of one of the first Italian sections of the National Association of Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia, and I always carry it in my heart”.

Present in the council chamber was the new mayor of Aversa, Francesco Matacena, who greeted those present, recalling how much Aversa is linked to the exiles and significantly announcing that the long-awaited athletics track will be built right in the Pozzi park. Next to him were the Coni delegate of Aversa, Guglielmo Moschetti, the regional president of Fidal Campania, Bruno Fabozzi, the national Fidal councilor and national delegate of road racing, Carlo Cantales, the regional governor of Panathlon Campania and honorary president of Atletica Aversa, Paolo Santulli, the coach of the Italian national Fidal under 23, Tonino Andreozzi, and the regional manager of Asi Campania for athletics and president of Asd Asi Polisportiva Bellona, ​​Pino Romano.

Race Registration

It will be possible to register for the race (with a contribution of €10) online until 12:00 on Thursday 4 July through the Endu portal ( or directly on Sunday before the start of the race at the Salvino Pozzi park in Aversa. For details and information, you can contact 338.8416182 or 338.3737129.

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