Eightieth anniversary of the Nazi-Fascist massacre of 13 June 1944 in Forno

Eightieth anniversary of the Nazi-Fascist massacre of 13 June 1944 in Forno
Eightieth anniversary of the Nazi-Fascist massacre of 13 June 1944 in Forno


A procession of people reached the Tre Casette area, above Forno, to pay homage to the memory of the 4 young people who were killed on the morning of June 13, 1944, during the roundup by the X Mas soldiers and German troops. Albano Fruzzetti, 20 years old, Pellegrino Fruzzetti, 35, Giuseppe Ulivi 21, (silver medal for military valor) and Giulietto Federigi 22 years old, were the first to be mowed down on that day that saw the massacre of 68 people, as well as 51 deported to Nazi camps.

Present were the banners of the Municipality of Massa, of the Anpi and Fivl as well as the association Eventi sul Frigido, promoter of the project “Memoria in Cammino”, shared with the associations. Between music and the colors of the flags, the procession reached the location where a plaque to the memory was inaugurated.

Present for the greeting of the mayor Francesco Persiani were the councilor of the Municipality of Massa, Matteo Basteri and the vice president of the City Council, Daniele Tarantino who highlighted the importance of cultivating memory so as not to forget what has been, transmitting it to the younger ones. For the Anpi were present the president Elena Emma Cordoni, Nino Ianni and volunteers; for the Fivl the president Giancarlo Rivieri. Relatives Elisa Fruzzetti and Luciano Alberti laid a bouquet of flowers.

President Cordoni is satisfied with the initiative that is added to all the events that revolve around the memory of the Nazi-Fascist massacre of Forno: “A path that we will repeat next year – she said thanking Angela Maria Fruzzetti for having proposed it. The group gathered at the former spinning mill where Fruzzetti told the terrible story of that day, in the memories collected by witnesses including her mother, Bruna Balloni. Bruna, 16 at the time, saw Albano and Pellegrino for the last time on June 12, when they left the spinning mill, the partisans’ headquarters, and equipped themselves with a Sten rifle.

On the morning of the 13th, he saw among those miserable stone houses, the beginning of the extermination. “Memoria in cammino” is an initiative of the association Eventi sul Frigido on the Eightieth anniversary of the Nazi-Fascist massacre of June 13, 1944, included in the manifesto “Premio Maresciallo Ciro Siciliano” shared with Anpi of Massa, with the patronage of the Municipality of Massa, Municipality of Carrara, Fivl and National Association of Civilian Victims of War. Thanks to the participants including the residents of Tre Casette. (Photo Sara Chiara Strenta)

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