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“Will I be kicked out of my country?”

“Will I be kicked out of my country?”
“Will I be kicked out of my country?”

In an interview given to La7 during In Ondathe senator for life Liliana secret does not hide his fears about therampant anti-semitism in Italy and beyond. Speaking to Marianna Aprile, in fact, the Holocaust survivor does not mince words when launching a clear alarm.

Anti-Semitism Impossible to Eradicate

During the interview, speaking about anti-Semitism, Liliana Segre did not say she was surprised by the increasingly frequent episodes nowadays.

It has always been hidden and concealedthis was the perfect opportunity to really fire it. It can never be eradicated,” the senator said, referring to the assistance provided by the war in the Middle East to once again point the finger at the Jewish people.

Liliana Secret

Fear of the right-wing drift

But not only that, because speaking with Marianna Aprile the senator did not hold back in launching some provocations to the right-wing government in power, especially after the recent proposals on the prime ministership and the results obtained in the elections around Europe.

History is made of historical courses and recurrencesgiven my history and what I saw, I didn’t think I would return to see what is happening in the world,” he said.

Then, going into detail, he underlined: “We are talking about France and Germany, it is not only there. We also have it. The drift of the desire of the rightwhere a single person at the head decides for everyone. These excesses, which also emerged in the last week after the elections, have always been there even if perhaps not always shown. With this government, people take advantage and are no longer ashamed of anything”.

Then his reflection was clear: “I followed, in the various broadcasts, this session, let’s call it that, also praising “Sieg heil”. So also these Nazi mottos that unfortunately I remember directly. Not by hearsay. Now at my age will I have to see this again? Should I be kicked out of my country as I was kicked out once before? It’s a question that has an answer.”

Secrets and the ignorance of young people

Senator Segre has been a voice and witness over the years of what happened in the extermination camps, but it hasn’t always been this way: “I have been silent, I never wanted to tell anything, not even to my family. Then I understood that I shouldn’t keep quiet anymore, I felt the need to be a witness”.

“At first it seemed difficult to me to talk about Auschwitz because you can never tell everything and I have never been disappointed by the response of the kids,” she said.

Then something changed and Segre understood what: “Today I am disappointed by young people, because they are very ignorant, because they ignore the history“.

The pain of war in the Middle East

There was also a reflection on the war between Israel and Hamas, which broke out on 7 October 2023.

When I saw what happened on October 7, I didn’t know whether to despair, cry or get angry. But I wish those unwatchable images had been broadcast more.”

The reason is quickly explained by the senator herself: “I was torn apart, I had insomnia and I couldn’t think of anything else, but I never thought I would suffer in the following days. I expected immediate revenge, but I am a woman of peace and as a grandmother those children, both of them, tear me apart”.

Photo source: ANSA

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