Clandestine arsenal in prison: weapons to attack agents – Teramo

Clandestine arsenal in prison: weapons to attack agents – Teramo
Clandestine arsenal in prison: weapons to attack agents – Teramo

TERAMO. Too many inmates, too few officers. A story that has been repeated for years in the Teramo prison of Castrogno where the security emergency is the daily news. Especially after the discovery of a real clandestine arsenal composed of diving knives, daggers and a cleaver hidden in a foosball table and found by the officers. After the discovery, the SAP, the penitentiary police union, warns: “Those weapons were used to attack the officers”.
He declares it Aldo DiGiacomonational secretary of the SAP, who says: «In the Teramo prison, the penitentiary police officers found, hidden under a table football table, several knives with long blades, stones and other objects suitable for causing harm. This is how some prisoners prepared clashes with the officers».
The discovery of the arsenal has rekindled the (never-sated) protest of the unions who are once again asking for interventions and denouncing the serious situation of the Teramo prison due to overcrowding (it currently houses 400 inmates including many psychiatric patients compared to a capacity of half) and the lack of prison police officers (there are 144 in service compared to the 218 expected with a backlog of 12 thousand days of holidays and with a current 50 thousand hours of overtime every year). Since the beginning of the year three inmates have committed suicide: in January the 34 year old Macedonian Long live Bislimi accused of the attempted murder of his wife in Capestrano, in March the twenty-year-old of Roma ethnicity Patrick Guarnieback in June Giuseppe Santoleri sentenced to 18 years for the murder of his ex-wife in complicity with his son Simone. The penitentiary has long been in a critical condition due to overcrowding, lack of staff, poor investments. The assaults, the suicide attempts, the attempted or successful escapes like that of a prisoner who escaped a few months ago with scenes from a movie, serve to sound the alarm for a few days but once the spotlights are off everything goes back to how it was before.

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