WCEE2024, with USRA the L’Aquila model in the world

The capital of Abruzzo accompanies you to the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024): the L’Aquila model protagonist with the USRA in Milan.

Palazzo dell’Emiciclo, Palazzo Branconio and Palazzo De Marchis, three illustrated cards from theUSA which represent the L’Aquila model at the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024) inaugurated this morning in MilanoThis is the most important event of earthquake engineering which is held every 4 years and this year, for the first time since 1967, Italy returns to host it. The Capital of Abruzzowhich has been telling you all the events related to the earthquake and the reconstruction since 2009, could not miss this special world-class event underway in Milano, at the Allianz MiCo conference centre until 5 July 2024.
For months theUSApresent at the event with the owner Except Provenzano and a large representation of technicians from the offices, is working on the data sheets on the models of reconstruction. The Capital of Abruzzo will accompany you on this extraordinary occasion with video materials, services and insights.


The engineer Except Provenzanohead of the Special Office for the Reconstruction of L’Aquila, highlighted: “We bring the example of the great work carried out in these years: a long and complex activity that has seen the commitment and contribution of many actors. In addition to the USRA, we must remember the work of the Municipality of L’Aquila, the Special Office for the Reconstruction of the Crater and the Municipalities of the Crater. For this reason, today the 2009 earthquake reconstruction system is there. It would have been impossible to tell everything we have done in this context, so we have chosen to bring three experiences: a video projection of the L’Aquila earthquake, explaining what happened on April 6, 2009, and explaining where we are today; an immersive activity, thanks to an augmented reality viewer that will transport visitors directly into the middle of the reconstruction work; finally, an anti-seismic display case to make people understand that the reconstruction of L’Aquila does not only concern the buildings, but also the need to secure the city’s cultural heritage”.


Guest of this morning, the Minister for Civil Protection and Maritime Policies, Sebastian Musumeci. During the conference, at the Eucentre/IUSS and UniPV stand (F05-E06), a live model of the reconstruction project of the historic center of Arquata del Tronto was also presented. In addition to Musumeci, the Head of the Civil Protection Department was also present Fabrizio Curciothe senator Guido Castelli, Commissioner for Reconstruction 2016, the President of the Lombardy Region Attilio Fontanathe Mayor of Milan Joseph Hall and the Senator Alexandra Gallon. With approximately 4,000 participants expected from over 100 countries, WCEE2024 represents a unique opportunity for engineers, researchers, professionals and policy makers to discuss issues crucial to seismic resilience and infrastructure safety. The conference program includes 150 technical sessions, 13 plenary conferences and approximately 100 exhibitors, offering an ideal platform for the exchange of ideas and innovations. Among the cards, those presented by USRA, the Special Office for the reconstruction of L’Aquila, which will participate in the important event of which you can follow all the phases in the capital of Abruzzo.

WCEE2024, USRA at the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

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