Forest fire warning phase begins — Environment

Forest fire warning phase begins — Environment
Forest fire warning phase begins — Environment

Starting from Monday 1 July 2024, the Regional Agency for Territorial Security and Civil Protection activates, throughout the regional territory, the attention phase for forest fires that will end on Sunday 01 September 2024. The deadline may also be revised based on the trend of weather conditions. The 2024 summer fire campaign begins with the activation of the Unified Operations Room and the control room for prevention and emergency response against forest fires.

During this period, the burning of plant residues from agricultural and forestry work near woods, fruit-bearing chestnut groves, controlled and cultivated truffle grounds, poplar groves, wood-producing arboriculture systems, solid land and shrubby or bushy solid land, or at a distance of less than 100 metres from their outer edges, are permitted in the absence of wind and only in the morning as long as optimal humidity conditions persist. In any case, fires must be put out by 11:00.

The numbers to call (the call is free) in case of sighting a forest fire are:

– 115 to call in case of fire (emergency number of the National Fire Brigade);

– 1515 for reporting illegal activities and behaviours at risk of forest fires (environmental emergency number of the Carabinieri – Forestry specialty);

– 800841051 regional toll-free number to be used also for warning of the lighting of fires or controlled burning of plant material resulting from agricultural and forestry work.

If necessary, the Agency may subsequently declare a period of “serious danger”, during which specific prohibitions and sanctions will be applied for fire-risk behaviors.

To learn more, read the Agency’s press release

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