Enough is enough, the cup is full! Salerno, make your voice heard!

Enough is enough, the cup is full! Salerno, make your voice heard!
Enough is enough, the cup is full! Salerno, make your voice heard!

An old adage says that there is no end to the worst and it seems to be the case here. Salerno and the worst (for attitude at the moment but soon, if it continues like this, also for sporting results) president of its long history. Danilo Iervolino he really doesn’t seem to have learned the lesson and, what’s worse, he seems to lack even dignity, appearing to persist in what cannot but be read as a plan destined to sink the Bersagliera, even risking to bring it back to Serie C, a category left behind for years and that he never thought could concern the seahorse again. Petrachi, recently in the saddle in the role of ds of the granata, on the basis of reassuring words and programs preferred by the president through the mouth of the faithful ad Maurizio Milan, has already demonstrated all his value and the weight of his credibility in the difficult world of football. The sporting director would have in record time started negotiations with players considered authentic top players for the cadet league, putting the arrow and overcoming a large competition for Coda e Vandeputtewith whom the agreement was practically a done deal pending Iervolino’s ratification.

Maggiore al Genoa per Coda e Alarm it was, unfortunately now we have to conjugate verbs in the past, a masterstroke by Petrachi, equally it would have been to bring Vandeputte to Salerno for important but good figures considering the value of the now ex-Catanzaro winger. The Granata market man, not satisfied, had also wrung more than one word from Giuffredi for Onesiewith the Neapolitan striker who, although highly sought after, had given precedence to Salernitana for him and for the connection with the Campanian square. Real negotiations and in some cases even close to a positive conclusion, operations almost certainly now faded due to the incomprehensible and losing diktat of the Granata patron who intends to play to save himself, sell before buying and still close the market in the black even in Serie B! Iervolino, if as it seems he confirms this delirious line of management, will immediately lose Thin, likely to resign before even putting on the tracksuit in Salerno and will definitively lose above all the residual credibility and trust of the fans of a Bersagliera that he vilified and mortally wounded.

Who gave the mandate to the new sporting director to sit at the table with the best elements of the cadet team if not the president himself? Nothing is easier than that even the manager from Salento was made yet another promise by a sailor, not only not kept but completely overturned in the blink of an eye. How did the owner of Palma Campania hope to hire Coda, Vandeputte and Tutino as well as their registrations? With unlikely exchanges or, worse, with the fake money of the monopoly of the Brera Holdings fund, one that really seems to collect serial flops? Oh please! With 32 million already in the coffers and another twenty on the doorstep, Iervolino, mister billion, is he not able to fork out a few million to ask for important deals that reward Petrachi’s work, do not make Sottil run away with his tail between his legs and burn the competition? No kidding! If anyone really thinks they can continue to disrespect Salerno and the glorious Salernitana shirt and come to pocket money in this city, then let this person know that they will not be allowed to do so.

How? With a civil but compact mobilization in the streets, with a loudly shouted indignation and with a position taken by those who have institutional duties to protect the city and a vilified fan base exposed to the public derision of rival squares and national mass media. Enough now! Enough is enough! Either Iervolino changes course and illustrates future plans worthy of the history of the Bersagliera and its large and deserving fan base or he leaves Salernitana immediately! Nobody wants him? We will see if there will be no serious buyers at honest prices and acceptable conditions, but if that were the case, one would want to say “better in D with dignity and Salerno than in B with this ownership that wanted to escape more by night than by day and that loves neither Salerno nor the shirt! Let the patron Iervolino react immediately now that it is truly the very last call or let the square react, with civility and composure but without making discounts and using more do-goodism that unfortunately contributed to the sinking of the Granata flag. Isn’t that right? Are we off track? Is the entire press to blame? Well, president, yes, show up at the microphones and speak to the city supporting (and demonstrating) the opposite, then promptly following up with facts and not continuing to carry on a silence that is no longer acceptable passively.

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