The Festa della Bruna is almost here! Here is the complete program for tomorrow

The Festa della Bruna is almost here! Here is the complete program for tomorrow
The Festa della Bruna is almost here! Here is the complete program for tomorrow

The emotion for the The Festa della Bruna is coming and you can feel it in the air.

Here is the programme celebrations tomorrow 2 July in honor of the Patron Saint of Matera, Maria SS. of Bruna:

  • Cathedral Basilica
    Ore 4.00
    Procession of the Shepherds from the Cathedral Basilica to the Church of San Francesco d’Assisi.
  • St. Francis of Assisi Square
    Ore 4.30
    Celebration of the Holy Mass presided over by HE Mons. Antonio Giuseppe Caiazzo, Archbishop of Matera-Irsina and Bishop of Tricarico, animated by the Diocesan Youth Ministry Choir

At the end: Diana with bomb throwing and continuation of the Shepherds’ Processionaccompanied by the bass music “I Briganti Montesi” of Montescaglioso (MT), Fireworks shows (drums): organized by the company Pirotecnica Colangelo Fireworks Avigliano (PZ) with the following route:

  • Piazza San Francesco d’Assisi, via Ridola, Prayer stop in vico Case Nuove, via Lucana, Prayer stop at the stele of the Madonnina in via Lucana, via don Minzoni, piazza Matteotti, via Ugo La Malfa, via P. Nenni, via G. Saragat, viale Santa Caterina da Siena, viale Europa, via Lazazzera, via Dante, via Petrarca, piazza Giovanni XXIII, Prayer stop in front of the Church of S. Pio X, via Parini, via Manzoni, via Nazionale, via Istria, vicolo I G. Marconi, via G. Marconi, via Annunziatella, via XX Settembre with arrival at the Sanctuary of San Francesco da Paola
  • Sanctuary of St. Francis of Paola

Ore 9.00
Celebration of Holy Mass.

Ore 9.00 – 24.00
Musical Service in the various phases of the Festival “Concert Bandistico Città di Matera” Alvino 1884 Hotel – via San Vito (Piccianello district)

Ore 8.15
Gathering of the first group of Knights. Departure to welcome the Trumpeter, the Standard Bearer and the Vice General. The group from via Marconi will reach the General for the ritual dressing, at Palazzo Lanfranchi.

Ore 9.15
Gathering of the second group of the Knights. Departure to welcome a Trumpeter and the Deputy General. The squad from Via Marconi will continue towards Piazza Vittorio Veneto, awaiting the arrival of the General and the first squad.

Ore 8.30 – 19.30
Tour through the city streets of the “Città di Grottole Wind Orchestra” (MT) Piazzetta Pascoli – via Domenico Ridola

Ore 9.30
Palazzo Lanfranchi Museum of Medieval and Modern Art Meeting of the General of the Knights of Maria SS. della Bruna with the Executive Committee of the Maria SS. della Bruna Association and the President Dr. Bruno Caiella. Transfer by carriage to Piazza Vittorio Veneto, escorted by the first group of knights.

  • Vittorio Veneto Square
    Ore 10.00
    The General takes command of the entire Cavalcade of Maria SS. della Bruna.
  • Cathedral Basilica
    Ore 10.30
    Solemn Eucharistic Celebration presided over by HE Mons. Biagio Colaianni, Metropolitan Archbishop of Campobasso-Boiano, concelebrated by the Cathedral Chapter and the Diocesan Presbytery

Ore 12.00
Transfer of the Sacred Image of the Holy Mary. della Bruna, from the Cathedral Basilica to the Church of Maria SS. dell’Annunziata (Rione Piccianello).

  • Church of the Annunciation of Mary, Piccianello District
    Ore 17.00
    Celebration of Holy Mass.

At the end the Sacred Image of Maria SS. della Bruna will be carried in procession to the Piazzetta del Carro Trionfale and placed on the throne of the papier-mâché artefact.

  • Piazza Duomo
    Ore 18.30
    HE Mons. Antonio Giuseppe Caiazzo is accompanied by the Executive Committee of the Maria SS Association. della Bruna and some Knights at the Church of Maria SS. dell’Annunziata (Rione Piccianello).
  • Church of Maria SS. of the Annunziata Rione Piccianello
    Ore 20.00
    Solemn Procession of Maria SS. della Bruna on the Triumphal Chariot, presided over by SS.E. Mons. Antonio Giuseppe Caiazzo, Archbishop of Matera-Irsina and Bishop of Tricarico, attended by the Cathedral Chapter, the City Clergy and the Costumed Cavalcade.

Upon arrival in Piazza Vittorio Veneto, the Act of Entrustment of the Archdiocese to Maria SS. della Bruna will follow.

The procession rite opens with the following order:
– Low music “I Briganti Montesi”
– Costumed ride
– Grand Band Concert “City of Matera”
– Civil and Military Authorities
– Executive committee
– City Clergy
– Papier-mâché makers
– Triumphal Chariot
– Faithful

  • Piazza Vittorio Veneto
    Ore 20.30 – 24.00
    Sound box – Orchestra Service “City of Grottole Wind Orchestra” (MT) Orchestra Director M° Filippo Carretta
  • Piazza Duomo
    Ore 22.00
    Ritual of the “Three Turns” of the Triumphal Chariot and reposition of the Sacred Image of the Holy Mary. della Bruna in the Chapel of Santa Maria of Constantinople
  • Piazza Vittorio Veneto
    From 10.30pm
    Delivery of the Triumphal Chariot to the population of Matera for the ritual “strazzo”
  • Contrada Murgia Timone
    Ore 00.30
    Fireworks show by Pirotecnica Colangelo Fireworks Avigliano (PZ)

In case the If environmental and/or meteorological conditions are unfavourable or dangerous for the activity or for the protection of the site, the fireworks display will be performed in the following days.

Happy Bruna Day to everyone!

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