Tape measure at Noa in memory of Balloni

Tape measure at Noa in memory of Balloni
Tape measure at Noa in memory of Balloni

A donated measuring tape to remember Mauro Balloni. The directors of the “Bacchilega-Targioni” section of the national sports veterans union, of the Cral of the Massa Hospital and of the provincial section of the Tuscan Association of Rheumatic Patients, tomorrow at 12, will deliver a new measuring tape to the Urology Operating Unit, as a worthy reminder of the figure of president Mauro Balloni. “As many will remember, our friend Mauro – writes the Cral – left us at the beginning of the year at the age of 80 after several years of suffering from the consequences of the serious accident at work he had been the victim of as an employee of the ASL Technical Office of the Massa Hospital. After his death, we promoted a voluntary fundraiser for the purchase of important new equipment to be made available to the Urology department, the department where he was most frequently hospitalized for the continuous specific care he needed. The initiative, open to friends and sportsmen from Massa, was a great success, raising over 5 euros. We would like to thank all those who spontaneously joined, starting with the family itself and many former Massese players. On the technical advice of the doctors of the Urology unit, the Cral has purchased the tape measure that will be officially delivered by Mauro’s family on Thursday”.

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