The Palio Madonna del Soccorso is yellow-green, victory for Porta Signina – Photo 1 of 2

The Palio Madonna del Soccorso is yellow-green, victory for Porta Signina – Photo 1 of 2
The Palio Madonna del Soccorso is yellow-green, victory for Porta Signina – Photo 1 of 2

The Palio Madonna del Soccorso 2024 is yellow-green, Porta Signina in fact wins the victory and repeats the success of the previous year, exploding the joy of the Contrada people. The race saw the Cori Monte district distance itself from its opponents, reaching the number of 8 rings and leaving Porta Ninfina with 4 rings and Porta Romana with 3. In a riot of emotions, the Contrada people brought the coveted Palio to triumph, the work of artist Joana Tellez Amezquita, shouting “Excelsior”, the motto that characterizes Porta Signina and they celebrated until late at night.

The awaited challenge was preceded by the procession in Renaissance costumes, which started from Piazza della Croce and reached Piazza Signina, after crossing the streets of the historic center of the city, in the crowd reserved for the participants from the public crowded along the edges of the route. Once the procession reached its destination, after the performance of the flag-wavers and the speech of the Podestà, the exciting competition began between the knights who had to insert, with a wooden dagger with a steel tip, a metal ring hanging from a straightedge. located approximately halfway along the straight ahead. The knights of each Porta, each wearing the coat of their own district, faced each other in a duel of skill and speed which will be repeated, at night, on Saturday 27 July for the Palio of Sant’Oliva.

“A splendid celebration of the people – comments the mayor of Cori, Mauro Primio De Lillis – succeeded admirably, thanks to the dedication of dozens of volunteers and the passion of the contrada people for the colors of their districts. Cori confirms his pride for the Historical Carosello which is, let’s not forget, the oldest spectacular form of palio in Lazio, and continues to identify with it, managing to involve all citizens, from the youngest to the elderly. All this constitutes a wealth for us from a cultural and human point of view.”

“The Historic Carousel – echoes the president of the Carousel Authority Maria Teresa Luciani – is above all a great popular festival where tradition is renewed year after year and past and present come together. A Carousel is not a show to be seen but an emotion to be lived, an experience to be shared. Yesterday’s Palio was all this: the photos and videos that are circulating capture this aspect well in which recollection and current events mix in a choral portrait of our people and our beautiful city.

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