Old, new arrivals parade at Tamagnini

Old, new arrivals parade at Tamagnini
Old, new arrivals parade at Tamagnini

For Civitavecchia Calcio, the time of tight-lipped, waiting is over, but from now on we can officially think about the team of the “new” coach Massimo Castagnari. The parade at Vittorio Tamagnini began on Monday afternoon, where the players, confirmed or new, were able to see the sports center and sign that will bind them to Civitavecchia for the new season. The names of the new players who will be part of the group were announced: Fabrizio Bianchi, Esteban De Goicoechea, Alessio Giustini, Gabriele Canestrelli, Cristiano Proietti, Leonardo Calisse and Luca Avellini. “We will have a new team – says the sports director Marco Angelocore, who for the first time speaks as a manager of the club of president Patrizio Presutti – seven players from last season are still there, but we will have many new ones, 10 entries are expected within the team group. We had to intervene massively on the market, even if we have no desire to throw money away and build the classic team of stickers. Every element that we are going to insert is the piece that we want to add to a certain department”. So Civitavecchia will be a team that, certainly not having the biggest budget of the Eccellenza, will have many worker bees in the middle of the field. “We are working with patience and serenity – continues the former director of Aurelio – we do not want to make mistakes in our choices. We do not want to bite off more than we can chew, the company’s coffers are a serious thing and there is no intention of squandering money. We have formed a technical staff with seven first-rate people, something that few clubs will be able to have”. So Angelocore perfectly marries the line of small steps, which Aurelio has strongly embraced in recent years and has allowed it to achieve applause-worthy results, reaching, at certain points in the season, even the top positions in group A. The ds also explains what his philosophy is. “I want a team that knows how to coexist as a locker room – Angelocore continues – in fact we have already decided that every time we play in the afternoon, the boys will have lunch together, only in this way will they be able to mix and unite with each other, not only as players but also as friends outside of football. Always with this spirit we want players who correspond to the characteristics that we want us to have, we do not need players who are very well known and then are unable to perform. Thanks also to the work that the new co-president Massimiliano Mecozzi is doing, who has helped us a lot in this sense, after many years Civitavecchia will be able to hold a retreat at the beginning of the season. Training with athletic preparation will start on July 29. For a week we will be at Tamagnini, then from August 4 to 10 we will move to Tagliacozzo, in Abruzzo, where there will be an ideal atmosphere to be able to plan the preparation for the new championship. I am very satisfied to be able to give this opportunity to the players and I am very happy with the fact that the company has decided to work in this direction”. In the meantime, there is anticipation to understand who the first new members of the group will be. One seems to be practically certain, that of the midfielder Cristiano Proietti, who has already been announced, albeit informally, by the club. Another should be the Argentine defender Esteban De Goicoechea. There is also great curiosity to understand who the other eight will be and there will certainly be some surprises. Could there be some member who will follow Castagnari from Viterbo or Angelocore from Aurelio? Or some member from the surrounding area who will want to test themselves with the heavy Civitavecchia jersey? A little more waiting and doubts could be resolved.


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