from the Region 75 thousand euros for Andria

from the Region 75 thousand euros for Andria
from the Region 75 thousand euros for Andria
The municipalities in Puglia in which there are landfills will receive a contribution of 7.6 million euros from the Regional Territorial Agency for Waste Management Services (Ager) as part of the ecotax.

For the Bat, besides ad Andria with €75,366.25, there are also Barletta with 113,049.38; and then Bisceglie con 1.873,40; Canosa of Puglia con 130.160,32; Minervino Murge with 195,240.48 and finally Trani con 44.432,22.

The news was given by the regional councilor for the environment, Serena Triggiani, who speaks of «another important provision to provide municipalities with significant additional resources to be used for investments in the field and sustainable territorial development».
The 7.6 million euros are in addition to the 7.2 already approved by the Regional Council from the ecotax fund, for the support of virtuous municipalities that achieved a result of more than 65% for separate waste collection in 2023. These are resources included in the economic and financial plans (Pef) of the Municipalities and aimed at containing the effects on the Tari (after the ruling of the Council of State which canceled the tariffs envisaged by Arera and implemented by the Regions which had caused a significant increase in costs borne by municipal administrations and citizens for 2022 and 2023).
«The distribution of the sums implemented by Ager – underlines Triggiani – has the objective, in particular, to support, also with a view to solidarity between neighbouring territories that deliver waste, those municipalities that are home to landfills and incineration plants without energy recovery».
The funds may be used for interventions aimed at environmental protection and improvement, such as the development of environmental control and monitoring systems and integrated management of urban waste.
For Triggiani, this is “an unprecedented injection of resources for municipalities, which will be able to develop land protection systems for environmental protection interventions in the territories of the municipalities involved. The objective – concludes the councilor – is, therefore, to offer all the necessary tools to ensure effective and efficient waste management, significantly reducing the quantities to be taken to landfill, and to support improvement and sustainable interventions in the medium to long term that are absolutely necessary and can no longer be postponed”.

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