Sigh of relief for businesses in the South

Sigh of relief for businesses in the South
Sigh of relief for businesses in the South

Sigh of relief for companies in the South of Italy they will be able to count on the 30% contribution relief for another six months.

The provincial president of Confcommercio Taranto, Leonardo Giangrande, comments with satisfaction on the news of the Extension of the “Southern Decontribution” measure which supported companies in the southern regions which did not slow down production and continued to invest, despite this the international political-economic scenario has had a negative impact on the performance of the economy in recent years.

«The modification of the measure, expiring on June 30, is the result of the agreement reached at the meeting of Bruxelles between the vice president of the European Commission, Margrethe Vestager and the Minister for European Affairs, Raffaele Fitto, allows the extension of the measure to the end of the year. Excellent news – comments Giangrande – also because this result could be the basis for not closing the chapter on decontribution on 31 December 2024; according to some ministerial sources, we are in fact working towards go beyond the extension date of the measurewhich is now linked to the Temporary Framwork, tool started by European Commission to deal with the damage caused to the economy by the pandemic emergency and the war conflict in Ukraine, and make it structural for a prolonged period”.

«The Apulian economy in 2023 recorded after the first three months a slowdown compared to the previous year – as also highlighted by the Bankitalia annual report – on which international events and the restrictive policies of the country have weighed Bce on interest rates. However, all this did not stop the business system which, despite the slowed growth of the economy, held and was able – as confirmed by the Bank of Italy – maintain its liveliness and dynamism. It is therefore very important – concludes the provincial president of Confcommercio – ensure that businesses can be supported in this commitment to continue to invest and increase productivity and contribute to employment growth. We trust in the acquisition of an instrument that in the medium-long term, through the tax relief for companies, can help defend employment levels in our southern areas, where there are delays and situations of socio-economic hardship”.

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