Forlì city council, the farewell of Pompignoli and Bentivogli to the League

Forlì city council, the farewell of Pompignoli and Bentivogli to the League
Forlì city council, the farewell of Pompignoli and Bentivogli to the League

(Sesto Potere) – Forlì – 1 July 2024 – “Mine is a difficult decision, painful but inevitable. I am leaving the League after more than 15 years of militancy, commitment and dedication. For all this time, the League has been my home, my training ground for political life, my only point of reference in the ups and downs of an opposition and government party. In the League I have made important friendships and I have matured politically. With the League I have shared 15 years on the city council, 10 of which in opposition and five in the majority, and 10 years on the regional council. In all this time, I have tried to do my best for Forlì and Romagna. Today, with great regret, I have to deal with the growing difficulty of no longer being able to share the line and objectives of a party that, unfortunately, is no longer my home”: the city and regional councilor wrote in a note sent this afternoon to the mass media Massimiliano Pompignoli(in the photo above), which in Forlì will place itself in the Mixed Group, saying goodbye to the Carroccio.
“I would like to thank all those who have walked alongside me in these long years of militancy and government and have given me the opportunity to become the person I am today. I do not bear grudges towards anyone. Thank you for everything I have been taught and for the moments spent together. Unfortunately, many things have changed from 2008 to today and my journey within the League ends here”: he adds Pompignoli.
“There is one thing I want to underline and that has never been questioned. The choice to leave the League has nothing to do with the mayor of Forlì, Gian Luca Zattini and the majority coalition. Zattini is my mayor and I renew my full trust in him. I will continue to be accountable to him and he will always find a faithful ally in me.”: concludes the now former Northern League representative.
For the record, there was also another candidate on 8 and 9 June in the League – the first of the non-elected members to join the council after the appointment as councilor of Andrea CintorinoAlbert Bentivogli (in the photo below) would have formally communicated the intention to leave the League and join the Mixed Group of the municipal council.
As a result of these decisions, the League will be represented only by Daniele Mezzacapo in the classroom and Belt in the council.

Albert Bentivogli
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