A2 F – Nuova Pallacanestro Treviso confirms Eva Da Pozzo

A2 F – Nuova Pallacanestro Treviso confirms Eva Da Pozzo
A2 F – Nuova Pallacanestro Treviso confirms Eva Da Pozzo

First important confirmation at Nuova Pallacanestro Treviso in view of next season. The Treviso-based company is in fact pleased to announce that it will remain with Orange Eva Da Pozzo. Winger, born in 1995, Da Pozzo arrived in Treviso last summer, after a long experience with Udine, where she was also captain and point of reference.

And also in Treviso she confirmed her talent and a strong sense of leadership that led her to become one of the pillars of coach Matassini’s team, on and off the court. She closed the championship with 30 games played, 179 points scored, 205 rebounds conquered and above all 16 blocks given to the opponents. Numbers that earned her almost 12 evaluation points per game, among the best data of her career.

This will be her eleventh season in Serie A2, a veteran of the category despite having just turned 29. A point of reference for all her teammates and a certainty both in the offensive and defensive phases, but above all a leader in the locker room. Her confirmation was one of the main objectives of the club, which wants to follow up on the excellent work of the last season and try to continue the growth process of the team.

“Eva, like the other players confirmed from last season, will be our cornerstones – says Alberto Matassini, NPT coach – In her first year in Treviso she proved to be a real point of reference, in terms of attitude to work, consistency in performance and team spirit. All qualities that we decided to hold on to long before the end of last championship.”

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