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Palermo lands on Whatsapp: Amauri greets the fans and drops another clue (PHOTO)

Palermo lands on Whatsapp: Amauri greets the fans and drops another clue (PHOTO)
Palermo lands on Whatsapp: Amauri greets the fans and drops another clue (PHOTO)

Palermo has announced the opening of its own official Whatsapp channel, thus expanding their presence on social media.

An interesting detail emerged when visiting the new channel: there is a 16-second voice note recorded by former Palermo player Amauri. In the message, Amauri greets the fans and mentions that he has to take a plane to New York. This reference to New York has aroused particular interest, as the city was recently the protagonist of another clue published on social media by Palermo. (CLICK HERE to learn more).

The question many are now asking is: what will happen in New York on July 9th? While no official details have been provided, the excitement among fans is palpable and speculation abounds. This could be a promotional event, an international friendly, or perhaps a new business partnership. All that remains is to wait for further communications from the club to find out what Palermo has in store for this date.

In the meantime, to keep yourself updated on all the events concerning the Rosanero world, also subscribe to our WhatsApp channel where you will receive news and insights in real time every day.

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