Drug dealing, two arrests

Drug dealing, two arrests
Drug dealing, two arrests

The attention threshold of the Guardia di Finanza of the Provincial Command of Viterbo remains high, in contrast to the widespread illegality in the Viterbo area.

In this context, the financiers of the Mobile Unit of the Tarquinia Company, as part of a widespread control action of the territory, over the last few weeks, have set up specific services aimed at the prevention and repression of illicit trafficking in the territory of competence , also with the help of the Civitavecchia Dog Units.

The effectiveness of the constant presence of the financiers in the area allowed the carrying out of numerous checks, the outcome of which, in particular, led to the arrest of two people of Albanian origin with no criminal record, found in possession of 109 grams of narcotic substance like cocaine. Furthermore, 11 people found in possession, for personal use, of narcotic substances such as cocaine and hashish were reported to the prefectural authority, six of whom were also the recipients of a license withdrawal order as they were found driving their respective cars at the act of finding the narcotic substance.

The start of the summer season, with the consequent increase in population along the coast, makes it essential for the Tarquinia Company to intensify its activities to combat any type of illicit activity, in order to always maintain a high level of attention towards the widespread illegality in the territory.

The incessant prevention and counteraction carried out by the Fiamme Gialle has as its primary objective the constant maintenance of safety and legality to protect the entire community.


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