site in 4 new languages

site in 4 new languages
site in 4 new languages

FLORENCE – Il website of the Accademia Gallery of Florence is now available at four new languages: French, German, Spanish and Simplified Chinese (Mandarin). An initiative aimed at broadening the museum’s audience, making the collection accessible to virtual visitors from all over the world.

Despite the impossibility for many to physically go to Florence, the website offers an immersive experience that allows you to admire the masterpieces of the Gallery and learn about its rich history. The portal dedicates a focus to individual works, with in-depth analysis and multimedia contentincluding virtual visits, documentary miniseries, podcasts, educational formats and artistic videos. A cultural offering designed for a heterogeneous audiencefrom the smallest to the largest, in line with the projects promoted by MiC – Ministry of Culture.

The Heritage of the Accademia Gallery from Florence just a click away

The Accademia Gallery in Florence boasts a priceless artistic heritage that includes the most important and numerous collection of Michelangelo’s sculptureswith masterpieces such as i Prisonsthe Palestrina Piety and the very famous David.

But not only that: the Plaster Cast Gallery houses the 19th century plaster casts of Lorenzo Bartoliniwhile the rooms dedicated to painting display masterpieces from the gold backgrounds of the thirteenth century to the Florentine painting of the sixteenth century. The Department of Health and Human Services completes the offer. ancient musical instrumentswith precious specimens from the Medici and Lorraine collections, among which stand out a tenor viola and a cello built by Antonio Stradivari.

Accessing culture remotely

The website of the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence represents a virtual bridge that connects the museum to the entire world. A way to bring people closer to Italian art and culture, even from afar.

The Gallery’s digital channel, ACCADEMIA ON LINE, is constantly enriched with new video content that involves multidisciplinary skills, documenting the events organized within the museum and offering insights into themes related to the art and history of the Gallery.

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