It was approved by the Regional Council of Lazio chaired by the president, Francesco Rocca, on the proposal of the Councillor for Budget and Economic PlanningGiancarlo Righinithe Regional Economy and Finance Document 2025.

“I am particularly satisfied – says Righini – that the DEFR was approved by June 30, that is, in full compliance with the legal deadlines. An extremely important milestone because it not only confirms the will of this administration to consistently apply regional rules on economic and financial planning, but, above all, it allows us to align regional planning with European and national guidelines to plan the next budget policies in good time, leaving the necessary space for political debate, thus effectively moving from the trend scenario to the programmatic scenario”. Precisely the budget policies and the 2025-2027 financial maneuver will guarantee budget balances with a predominantly expansionary orientation that will benefit both families and businesses in a macroeconomic scenario in which a gradual strengthening of regional economic activity is expected following the recovery of families’ purchasing power and the realization of a significant part of public spending for the implementation of the government program.

Last December, the ecometric models adopted for Lazio had estimated growth of around 0.7 percent for the current year in a national context in which inflation dynamics were still of particular importance. The expected budget maneuver will concern approximately 10 billion for the three-year forecast period 2025-2027. The capital expenditure part of the budget, for the forecast period, was estimated at approximately 900 million. These resources will implement those already present in the unitary regional programming. With an average annual reduction rate of 2.7 percent, between 2023 and 2027, it is expected that the debt stock – equal to 21.7 billion in 2023 – should be around 19.5 billion in 2027 , therefore falling below the threshold of 20 billion which represents a significant milestone.

On the macroeconomic side, the budget maneuver planned for 2025-2027 – moderately expansionary – would determine an impact on the regional GDP of approximately 0.8 percentage points more, on average over the three-year period, compared to the trend trend. Expected real growth is 2.3 percent in 2025, 1.7 percent in 2026 and 0.9 percent in 2027.

“Our goal – concludes Righini – is to ensure that the regional economic system returns to a substantial balance. This, on the one hand, allows us to have a significant reduction in debt as requested by the Court of Auditors; on the other hand, it guarantees us the possibility of planning future budget policies that are in favor of businesses and families. Finally, it should be noted that during the council meeting the Budget Adjustment was also approved, in compliance with the deadlines set by the current legislature, which commits us to submit it to the Chamber to reach its approval before the summer break”.

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