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Vouchers for sports in Calabria, Princi: ‘Over 1600 children beneficiaries’

Catanzaro – “There are 1,613 Calabrian children aged 14 to 24 who will receive the 500 euro voucher for sports practice, provided for by the ‘Calabria for Young People’ initiative, established by the Region and created in collaboration with the Sport and Health company “This was communicated by the Vice President of the Calabria Region with responsibility for sport, Giusi Princi. The list of beneficiaries of the voucher has in fact been published on the website, which will now allow people to practice sport and physical activity at the 676 associations and amateur sports clubs in Calabria that have joined the project

.“The Calabria Region – the vice president points out – has believed a lot in this project and has allocated 894 thousand euros in order to encourage the active participation of young Calabrians in sports disciplines at gyms, centers and sports schools. And the numbers attest to the great involvement and effervescence of the Calabrian sports movement. On the one hand, in fact, there has been a large participation of sports associations and clubs that have made available a total of 1,434 courses of various activities and disciplines: from climbing to athletics, from cycling to sports dance, from baseball to martial arts, passing through aquatic and underwater sports. On the other hand, the numbers of beneficiaries have testified to the desire for sport of the Calabrian youth, with 9,818 total requests, from which a list of 4,096 suitable applications was created, with priority for young people belonging to families who are in precarious economic and social conditions”.

“The great participation – highlights Princi – testifies to the goodness of the Calabria Region’s choice to focus on sport. We wanted to promote this initiative precisely to satisfy the great desire for sport and to allow everyone to do physical and sporting activity, overcoming any access barrier. With the President of the Region Roberto Occhiuto we are grateful to the many Calabrian associations and sports clubs who have joined, opening the doors to the many young people who will have the opportunity to choose the discipline and activity that most attracts and involves them. I thank the general manager, Maria Francesca Gatto, the manager of the Sports sector, Anna Perani, and the staff involved in the regional Education department for their work. A sportier and therefore healthier Calabria – finally declares Vice President Princi – is the objective towards which we are moving and we are happy to be able to count, in this journey, on Sport and Health which works to develop sport throughout our Country”. All information and the list of beneficiaries are published on the website


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