Cold infusions in the Rava and Fava stores in Asti

Cold infusions in the Rava and Fava stores in Asti
Cold infusions in the Rava and Fava stores in Asti

From 2 to 13 July for E…state in Rava & Fava in the two Asti stores in Piazza Porta Torino 14 and Via Cavour 83, the cold infusion will be presented, very suitable in the hot summer period using particularly thirst-quenching plants and herbs.

Nature in the warmest areas offers us the most suitable plants to deal with the desire for summer thirst and Fair Trade has several active supply chains that produce them.

The first preparation for an excellent cold infusion is hibiscus, whose flowers combined with those of lemongrass come from the sunny slopes of Mount Kenya in Africa where for years Meru Herbs has coordinated hundreds of small producers of hibiscus and fruit. From the semi-desert area of ​​the Northern Cape of South Africa comes the organic wild rooibos of the Heiveld Cooperative which supports small producers of the so-called ‘African red tea’: naturally caffeine-free, it grows exclusively in South Africa.

Dried pineapple is an excellent preparation for cold infusions: ours comes from the highlands of the Bolivian Andes where the Naturaleza campesinos produce fruit as a concrete alternative to local drug trafficking.

And in the infusion proposals, berries cannot be missing, which in this case come from the forests of the mountains of Bosnia-Herzegovina, a Peace Economy garrison.

In these fifteen days, information will be given on the beneficial properties of individual plants by presenting the cold infusion methods.

By purchasing two infusions of your choice, you will receive a 10% discount at the checkout.


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