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Waste and incivility, wake up Reggio!

Waste and incivility, wake up Reggio!
Waste and incivility, wake up Reggio!

Ryanair flights to Tito Minniti have brought tourists and new lifeblood especially to the merchants of Reggio Calabria, but the city always appears step back with respect to intentions and needs.

Despite changes in management, waste collection continues to represent a problemwith several areas infested with bags and bulky items, with the incivility of the people of Reggio as primarily responsible for the situation.

An example of this is the pile of rubbish that appears every Monday. Piazza del Popolowith the highlight of the fire set inside the Vespasian present in the area. Not to mention Mortara, whose cleanup cost a Peru, but which, given the lack of controls, immediately returned to being a favorite location for those who dump illicitly all kinds of waste. A Scordino Squarefinally, it is possible to admire the carcass of a Renault Clio overflowing of rubbish.

This is to say nothing of the perpetually bad roads, often the subject of various types of work, with the surface almost never restored to perfection, and of the construction sites open in the middle of summer or abandoned to neglect.

These are just some of the examples that do not make Reggio Calabria as attractive as it could be, especially for eyes of tourists and buyers. Because, as we know, the best advertising is that of word of mouth.

In all this, despite the mayor’s reassurances, we are still waiting for the program of events of theReggio summer (when elsewhere, for example in Roccella Ionica, the programming is presented in May), but also of the delivery of the South Linear Parkof part of the municipal beach and the small temple.

The opportunity for relaunch is tempting and cannot be missed due to the inertia of citizens and politics. Rolling up your sleeves is a must. Time for apologies it’s over now.

Pasquale Zumbo

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